Saturday, July 30, 2022

Got Confused: Create Title Page is a Different Step from Upload Digital Download Files for a Title

I thought that uploading the book on the "Set up a new Title" is the book itself (I haven't done this in more than a year). I have to Use the Upload Digital download files > Upload the files > Set to Public  


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Next Project Musings

 What would people buy? or What would make running games easier? 

I don't know. 

We made MNEME world generator because we believed that FIRST you need enough details in a solar system first before you can have hard scifi ships. Even if you can make delta-V budget ships in Gurps SpaceshipsSpaceships Design Guide, Orbital 2100, and in Mongoose Traveller High Guard

lets say your using Index Card RPG's adventure write up method for a space encounter - and you need distances or planets or celestial systems - you'd probably need our book for those details. 

We can pursue this and maybe focus on more quickly generated details for Space Encounters. 

But then one of the pain points I have is space combat like Children of the Dead Earth and Nebulous Fleet Command - I want that kind of combat but scaled down easy that I would sit only 20-30 minutes playing with it to get a hang of it. I want the tactics and limitations to be similar of these more realistic games. 

One of the strengths of Nicco and I are that we ar 3d Modelers in background.

We're hard scifi and historical fiction people who like using economic data and trying to use it. 

I have OJTs who want to pursue GODOT and I can use some of their Internship Hours to R&D more about GODOT as a Gaming Tool. My idea is the GM can just use a GODOT space (Share window in Gmeet/Discord etc...) and move pieces. I teach them how to Study and learn to operate a New Software or learn to Code quickly - by teaching them how to be more organized and structured in learning functions and designing workflow. 

I understand that there are many Levels of Complexity: players who want as abstract as ICRPG or DungeonWorld for their combat in hard scifi space. Something people can figure out and learn in 20 mins and enjoy learning.

Then there is people who want a GURPS level of details playing with people with a ICRPG/DW level of complexity - the way you get them to enjoy the same thing is that - Blind men and the Elephant - sufficient detail for each Observer (if the GM can afford to diversify their ability to engage the players). 

This means on an Abstract Level detailing it, then checking if all the details still scales or works properly with the abstract level. That feedback process. 

Like Mount and Blade, Nebulous Fleet Command, Children of a Dead earth, Crusader Kings, and various other Games that go into a style of play that basically asks "but the real thing is Like this - why cant we make the game more like this?" and then people realize "OH - I like that! That makes so much sense. Thats better and has more verisimilitude! I can really immerse with this." 

There will be people like me who looks at Kerbal SpaceUniverse Sandbox and Simple Rockets  and say "I would want to go to there" but cannot invest 40-100 hours to learn each game. I can invest about 20-60 minutes learning these games.

I think after 2 books I should focus in getting more customer feedback. I manage Quality Management systems (Integrated management systems, along with other managers) in our Construction and Manufacturing company. The FEEDBACK look is important.   If there is no feedback then there is no information by which to tailor or better serve the Players and Referees/GMs. 

Anyway Nicco and I making videos about the Mneme Combat system and the World Generator would keep us busy anyway. We will keep an LOG of issues and changes for analysis and publish it. 

I hope that little by little we can make tools that quickly produce the details the GM needs for games. Populations, Demographics, Organizations, NPCs, Ships, traffic, Conflicts, Challenges etc... the Players decide what Stakes they will invest in and the Referee can work with what the players choose to do. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Update: Uploaded and Waiting for approval. Estimated Wed or Friday.

Waiting for it to be reviewed before it becomes published. 

  1. no Watermarks. 
  2. There is a PDF outline  

  3. There are Internal Hyperlinks, and Hyperlinks to Wikipedia and other source materials. 
  4. Youtube videos of me "attempting" to explain how it works. 
  5. You can Preview the Entire thing. 
  6. You can contact me for corrections and updates. I'll keep a log of errors. 

2022 July 22 Update on the Book. Target uploaded in Drivethrurpg by Sunday July 24

 Issues and Tasks to do.

  1. Nicco gave me the consolidated copy already. 
  2. Completely forgot the Open Gaming license in the end. 
  3. Forgot the hex Map. Will include it
  4. Decided not to include the Delta V Calculation and Map creation rules. Because i would take probably 4-6 weeks to make (this is considering my errands, probably 4-8 hours for me to re-study and remember how to make; i maintain a google sheet how to do these. I plan to make a youtube Video of all the basic MATHS and Sciences I forgot. Consider it a tutorial for myself when I do eventually forget because I have to juggle work and family. Example is when I learned to rocket equations, or some javascript, or some more advance spreadsheet features. Eventually I have to forget them to focus on the next firefighting). I dont know if people will appreciate it.
  5. Will apply the PDF outliner
  6. I probably need to have a Discord Server ( ) for support. I dont know to manage a discord server. I want to set up a ticketing system for issues. Probably a google forms. 
  7. Then will upload to Drivethru RPGs and it will take about a week for it to appear.


I really need to spend more time with my family. of course this is my childhood dream: to write and support an RPG. I have to figure out a way to juggle these. 
I want to do so many things. i honestly dont know what to focus on while juggling. I hope having 2 books out and people giving feedback can help me know what to apply more resources on.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How to use the Planet Generator Blender file that comes with the World Generator Book.

 Am I predictable? Anyway I like making tools and explaining why we did things a certain way. I want to know a better way. So here is our way of making some procedural worlds. 

I'm so happy people like John Greene are public about how stuttering and they are about how they really talk because the audience that can forgive his flaws are more likely the audience that can forgive my flaws in this presentation. 

Its me and Nicco making this stuff part time. Hope a World Builder likes it, and it helps them details their world a little bit better. 

All our works are Creative Common Attribute and Share like. The book finances us to make more tools.  

Friday, July 8, 2022

How to use the World Generator Spreadsheet

  1. You will have a Link to a View Only Copy of the Spreadsheet, it comes with the book. 
  2. Make a Copy: File > Make a Copy. 
  3. Setting up Permissions: Go to World and Click on the Dice Symbol. Wait up to 6 seconds.
  4. It will ask permission to run the script, you can allow it to run the script. 
  5. Now you can click it to generate a World. 
  6. You can click the Pen image to encode it in a Data Log,
  7. and copy the WORLD sheet to save the details. 
  8. You can repeat the steps to generate a number of solar systems.