Monday, July 29, 2013

"Self Reliance" is a personal philosophy and a game theme

``Albert Einstein - "Never memorize something that you can look up."
Socrates on Writing - "[It] destroys memory [and] weakens the mind, relieving it of…work that makes it strong. [It] is an inhuman thing."

What is "Self Reliance" in light of Tools and Technology, especially in this day and age. GM's can punish and reward based on their personal beliefs, and his definition of Self Reliance may be something of a touchy subject.

What is your GM's view of Self Reliance? Where does the character end and the gear begin? 

Lockpicks, The Sword, Armor etc.. are tools and expected in Fantasy Characters. Sci-Fi Characters have portable computers, fire-arms, cybernetics, augmentation etc... What is Self reliance when gear come into play? better yet, is it "Wussing Out" when I pay money to have a stat increase, like in a Real World Education?

Need vs. Want
There was an argument about Traveller 5E and the lack of Index, and there some who said this was not a problem (for them). I follow the frugal reddit thread, and this question of "what I need" vs "what I'm comfortable with" is something of a recurring theme there as well, and very much related to Self Reliance.

if you want to go Platonic and have real defined categories... you're going to have a bad time when you are Defining Need and Want.

Then we have the mess Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs.

Is money counted as gear? 
The funny thing about this discussion is What is MONEY relative to a person, let get broader and ask what is material resources vs what makes up a "Character". in Biotech you buy augmentation with points in BT169 which strikes me odd and again "What is Self Reliance?" in regards of tools and abilities.

Personal Note
This is a hard question to ask for something as trivial as an RPG but it matters when you consider your child's education and if you are fighting market obsolescence. Its funny when I put fighting obsolescence sounds like we are in dystopia (regardless if I like the genre or not lolz).

What is weird is when we pay for education, and a character pays for a stat increase, some might punish the Character for the "Munckining" while rationalize it easily for people who are fighting obsolescence??? How about people who are very well off and paying for stat increase??? ugg...

The problem of Categorizing this strictly is basically one is making an Ethical or Moral judgement on something, punishing or rewarding based on their views, when its really a situation we have very information/time to process.

Things to consider. The economic cost of the skill, and what results matter.

Gear and Characters.
Weapons are extensions of characters? But we can upgrade to better weapons and armor... I can say the same thing with skills - we can upgrade from Accounting to Finance, from Spreadsheet to Programming, from Drawing to 3d Graphics, etc...

we all began from crappier but fundamental skills, then we forget them and use higher utility skills. Is dependence of Civilization and its Perks something to punish or deter in a game?

"what are you without the armor" was that funny line from Captain America in the Avengers movie. I mean "So what" you can say the same thing about Capt. with the super soldier serum lolz. I guess this is a bigger problem when people dont have matching expectations.

Wow, I can even go into the economic or game theory about this, but its really something that may get in the way of having a good time - having different expectations and setting these up.

I considered if I should censor myself because this is an uncomfortable topic, but what the hell.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

IMTU: Mind-Emulator + Drone Fighters

I just stumbled on something I am wondering if anyone else figured out: with Mind Emulation, Pilots can basically be Synced to Fighters or what will be Drone Fighters. Trying to get over my organic bias, if the stats are the same being organic vs digital should not matter and moving forward contemplating the consequences.

How this works
1) A pilot has a Mind-Emulation made for his Drone Fighter. 
2) The Pilot Syncs up to make sure they are all aligned. 

3) The Pilot is kept in a sensory shielded state, only able to receive his own experiences from his Drone Fighter. To keep Mind-Emulation Alignment from having to many variables and telemetry lag. 

4) What happens next is that Pilots are Fighting using a Computer that is Much more powerful than their own mind, running their mind as a program with higher spec-hardware (see FAST UT28, grants Enhanced time Sense). In GURPS a Fast Main-frame can run a Complexity 10 (mind emulation only needs complexity 9) but is worth $4M  Shielded and $30k for the emulation Software. 

5) The Fighter Pilot basically transfer's his consciousness to the $4M mainframe and the pilots gains Enhanced Time Sense when the mind emulation is run at a higher complexity. The Ship feedbacks his experiences through Telemetry/Mindlink but only as his mind emulation makes decisions (a real existential leap; You have to be over Mind-body Dualism). Ship gets destroyed, pilot is still alive, ship can react far faster than a HUMAN fighter with ETS. Basically you can say that ETS allows the Pilot to ignore all the Multi-Tasking penalties as he makes Sensor, Comm, EW, defense rolls, fighting rolls etc... 

6) Every-time there is Mindlink the pilot gets his Sensie/Sensory update what just happened, regarded to his emulated decision making. The Organic becomes the "back-up" copy lolz. It happens so fast and the pilot is in ETS mode that everything is like a dream, so fast and so much detail bombarding his human mind. 

things to consider
3 laws of Robotics. Is it except from the 3 laws?
Fighter Doctrine. This basically changes the entire doctrine and use of Fighters or Drones. Instead of Lifesupport, all the space and mass is dedicated to shielding and mindlink.
Drones as a screening element, reminding me of the Chmmr Avatar's point defense satelites

by dragon

Accountability of Mind Emulations. is it the Pilot, the Organization of the Pilot, or the software designer? 
Emulations that Survive its Pilots!? What will happen if the Ship gets destroyed but the Fighter Drone Survives??? Characters only existing as a Mind Emulation. ooooo so much stories to tell Lolz. 

Other Applications
Apply this to Combat Robots, Armor, Etc... A combat Robot that is big enough (see my combot robot examples) and can burn $10M can basically run an emulation to give-himself ETS in the same body if there is space for a Micro-frame. Yikes, this means a Robot can purchase Altered Time Rate capped by the GM and having to pay for the Software enhancement +5CF for every ATR level up to 9! or +45CF or $1.48M software. 

Wow GURPS combat in 0.1 Second turns lolz.  

Weaknesses, as a digital mind, it can be Hacked.

4dton Drone
Tech Level: 10
Hull: 4dton Airframe Needle/Wedge Stealth Hull, dDR 10 armor
Systems: 1 Maneuver Drive, Model-0 Sensors (Scan14), 1.5 Fusion Power,  Hardened Mainframe,  Weapon Bay able to hold 3 Turret Weapons in an Internal Bay .
Statistics: EMass 30 tons, LMass 35 tons, Cost M$13, SM +3, ASig -3, Hull dHP 16, Life Support 0, sAccel 6.6G, No Jump, Top Air Speed 2,739 mph.
Crew: None (Drone, uses a Mind Emulation of the Pilot).

4dton Drone
Tech Level: 10
Hull: 4dton Airframe Needle/Wedge Stealth Hull, dDR 10 armor
Systems: 1 Maneuver Drive, Model-0 Sensors (Scan14), 1.5 Fusion Power,  Hardened Mainframe,  Weapon Bay able to hold 3 Turret Weapons in an Internal Bay (Strike Ultra Violet Pulse Laser with 2E-Cell,  x2 200mm Missile Rack (with 24 HE 200mm missiles).
Statistics: EMass 30 tons, LMass 35 tons, Cost M$15, SM +3, ASig -3, Hull dHP 16, Life Support 0, sAccel 6.6G, No Jump, Top Air Speed 2,739 mph.
Crew: None (Drone, uses a Mind Emulation of the Pilot).

As such this only occupies so much less space that a 200dton hangar that would normally house 10 x 10dton fighters can house 25 drones. With launch tubes and the rules for use in ship combat in ISW224.

Converting a Fighter to a Drone.
add Fast Hardened Main-Frame for $4M use the rest of the space for other upgrades or extra weapons.

you can find all the counter arguments of those who defend dualism in the link. Ghost in the Shell, is a sci-fi that quantifies a "ghost" and believes in Dualism. So its really up to your sci-fi or science tastes since this is just a game.

I won't explain my own view because, like everyone else's, its a long thought about answer and its pointless to discuss because you can say every thing I experience is an "anecdote" lolz. I assume everyone came to their own conclusion and when new facts enter the scene, hopefully they change their views to accommodate the facts. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

IMTU exo-skeletons, bonus Freight Handling AI

I've been trying to reverse engineer powered armor calculations in UT but I'm not that good in math or physics/engineering to break it down. I might as well say its arbitrary. Still I want more Exo-Skeletons, or XS for short, in my game here are some guidelines based on existing rules.

  1. Just use the  ST/HP calculation formula (like that in B558) found in the B558 under unliving machine to get the Striking and Lifting strength of a XS based on weight.
  2. Assume $500 per lb. 
  3. Assume Efficiency improves by 50% in TL10 (x1.5 to ST), and 100% in TL11. 
  4. Efficiency Modifier is how much more expensive a XS is relative to the base cost, but better in performance. Efficiency modifier  Square Root the Cost Modifier, use this to get the percentage, and minus the 100% to get the remaining % increase. half the remaining percent increase. This way it does not escalate too fast. Its possible that Custom Built XS can perform way beyond the Mass-Produced norm (like in Sports Cars or F1 racers). 

  5. You can combine rigid armor and XS weight of at least 1/3 of the total weight powered armor weight to calculate for ST/HP. you still calculate base cost using the rigid armor's weight (now that its part of the XS)
Example. Cost Modifier is CF+1 = 2. Sqrt of 2 is 1.4 or 140% increase. Half the 40% to get only a +20% increase in efficiency to Lifting and Striking.

If you want to separate Lifting from Striking just re-allocate them as though they were character points with Lifting at 3cp and Striking with 5cp.

So UT181-182 TL10 version of the TL9 exo skeletons should be ST lifting and striking modifier  should be 50% more efficient.

Example 10lbs TL9 exoskeleton would be $5,000 but would only have ST/HP 8, not enough grant a ST bonus. A 4x increase in cost increases the ST efficiency to 50% to ST/HP12 (or +2) for $20,000 at TL10 this would have been +8 ST.

Rigid Armor and Exo-Skeletons So 115 of rigid armor and XS is 57,500 plus the $3,500 DR70/50 clamshell armor = 61,000. Then add the life support and you have $71,000 plus $2,000 an E battery and all those built in gadgets.   

Visualizing Benchmarks
Concealed Body Suit is 6lbs
Tactical Body Suit is 15lbs
Body Heavy Clamshell is 46lbs (like Low Tech Plate armor; half the DR on rear torso and leg attacks; Follows UT Hitlocation rules, note that this is Different from Low Tech Hit Location Rules)
Powered Armor is 130lbs with DR70/50, life support, and XS.
"Stealth" XS 10lbs.
(Low Tech vs Ultra Tech Hit Location)

TL9 "Hardsuit"

Heavy Clamshell Torso 18lbs $900
Light Clamshell Limbs and Extremities 31lbs $1,560 (x2.6 of Light Clamshell; x.67 for 1/2 DR on the rear)
73.5lbs (24.5 of XS, the rest is from rigid armor; ST/HP18 for +8 lifting and striking) of XS $36,750
plus $10,000 and 15lbs vacc life support
plus $1,000 and 10lbs of Desert Survival Systems
plus $2000 and 20lbs TL9 E-cell
$55,000; 120lbs.

TL10 "Flex Suit"

Tactical Suit $2000 15lbs
25lbs (25 of XS; ST/HP18 for +6 lifting and striking) of XS $25,000
plus $5,000 and 15lbs vacc life support
plus $1,000 and 2lbs of Desert Survival Systems
plus $2000 and 20lbs TL9 E-cell
$35,000; 62lbs.

Exoskeletons to move 25tons worth of Cargo.
You don't need a lot of Exo-Skeletons but Jacks, Cranes, Harnesses, and Cargo Containers. A healthy amount of this can speed up moving goods in hours.

Freighthandling should be a valuable skill since the Opportunity Cost is berth and delivery day expenses. You still need a Volitional AI Operator to make sure Ideally handled by a Tech Bot Weak Dedicated AI in a Small Computer at 100cp CF+5, in Freight Handling and Possession CF+1 and 9 Compartmentalized Minds CF+22.5 to coordinate all the equipment would be around for a cost of CF28.5 $8,550 to speed up it all up to Freight Handling (A) IQ+15 [60]-27.  -9 to the check to bring down the time it takes to 10% leaves a skill of 18.  

I really should make a Freight Work calculation formula, just to exercise my math. If I was running Traveller for High School and BS Math me in 1994-2000 I think would not have changed majors :(

Thursday, July 25, 2013

IMTU augmentation is signature gear

I've ruled that cybernetics a dependent bio tech mods are signature Gear and min maxed it to see how far it goes. 

It doesn't go too far, especially when you make it the burden of the player to keep his papers in check and in order, with great power comes great paperwork! 

Seriously From the min maxing I had some hard questions answer in what will I allow in a game and the power level possible.

If there is an economic and legal limit to a dangerous combo and more than one person checked the combo and sided with a conservative interpretation I don't think it's unmanageable.

I'll post my compete techno doctrine notes by next week after I edit it for readability since I noticed I write with gaps and so many errors. I ended up making one because of all the dangerous combos that needed to be tested on paper to see if it's feasible and cost efficient with economic and game theory considerations.

That's where all the sample battle Dress robot tanks drones and VAI and NVAI came from. I had to make more than one version of something to test if it made sense and the guidelines worked.

I'll write up a sample combat next with ETS robot Tanks and Battledress. I want to see if Uncle Ivan a war vet in the body of a GITS inspired combat robot can take on a gurps UT light Grav tank in a scenario where he goes rogue and they send in a hover tanks and fast response cyclone Battledress against him. I just have to do the crunch then summarize the capabilities in a simple paragraph or two.

Better check out concept robots for a good skin to use. 

Biotech has rules in augmentations that basically says you have to pay points. I noticed this is all to do with "Self reliance" and what counts as "needs vs wants" and all this philosophical nuance that when boiled down many people have differing and opposing opinions. 

By beef is that Character Point inflation (Now the game is 250 pointer if you have to run such a Cyberpunk game), is harder to control than material inflation. 

Material Inflation is easy, economic forces just dry up supply and demand. Economic circumstance ADAPTS to the Dominant Strategy, so broken combos stop being broken on their own when everyone does it and everyone defends against it.

then there is "how do you define Self reliance, what is need vs want" which is leads to another can of worms. 

As materials, we can have packages and Norms. Like clothing as a package, now Neural Jacks and Wirlesss interfaces are "Norms" and is just part of the character's package. Yes you get have it as a Lense, but you've made people of a certain "ERA" way better than intrinsically vs economically. (again the messy affair of this philosophical discussion). 

Also, does that means I have to pay twice: Money and POints for augmentation in the future? Its just weird, if I get an education that I pay for by taking out crippling Loans do I have to pay for the points of the result of that Education? (again head ache of the philosophical kind). 

Its a game, do what ever the GM tells you or allows.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

IMTU Warheads and Effectiveness

This is a post to patch up some rules regarding warheads and special effects.

see Common Fighters of the Third Imperium by Mark Gellis has the rules for the missiles.

Warhead's size and Power. The bigger the size the more power is assumed. Size really matters because a 10mmx40mm Case Less stingray round, SM-9 (B550), will not override a SM+9 Ship. What we can do is make an assumption that the attack modifier is -10 vs HT modified by the size difference.

UT weapons and size modifiers. This is purely the weapon. if used as a war-head you have to account for the body. Use B550, Use UT's ammo weight to get mass of each ammo.
Pistol ammo 10mm x 25mm (SM-11)
Pistol Ammo 15mm x 37.5mm (SM-10)
10mm x40mm (SM-10)
15mm x60mm (SM-9)
18.5mm x70mm (SM-9)
25mm x100mm (SM-6)
40mm x160mm (SM-6)
64mm x256mm (SM-5); See UT145 for missile body cost, x10 for high endurance guided missile body which ha 1.25 minutes of powered flight.
100mm x400mm (SM-4) 20lbs warhead; $300 from size modifier and UT145 missile body. x10 per guided high endurance missile body 3.75 minutes of powered flight. (note: reduce cost, weight by 8 factor from ISW226 stats)
200mm x800mm (SM-3) 160lbs warhead (missile body is 1.13 yards for a total of 2yrd of SM+0)
(see 500mm missile)

25mm stingray (SM-6) vs SM+0 Power armor. HT-10 reduced by the size difference: SM-6 vs SM+0 is 6; reduce the HT-10 by 6 to HT-4)
64mm stingray (SM-5) vs SM+4 vehicle. HT-10 reduced by the size difference: SM-5 vs SM+4 is 9; reduce the HT-10 by 9 = HT-1 roll)
200mm stingray  (SM-3) vs SM+5 Tank. HT-10 reduced by the size difference: SM-3 vs SM+5 is 8; reduce the HT-10 by 8 to HT-2.

Example Ship to Ship combat
200mm stingray (SM-3) vs SM+9 Ship. HT-10 reduced by the size difference: SM-3 vs SM+9 is 12; reduce the HT-10 by 12 to HT+2).

Note on EMP vs Stingray missiles UT156. Stingray missile use the Lethal electrical damage (B432) causing stun for minutes unlike EMP which cause stun for seconds but has an area effect AND has another -8 penalty (so HT-18 plus size difference).

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

IMTU - Simplifying Starting Ships; Profitability Updated

Simple Rule - you start out with all the necessary equipment and consumables as long as they don't add up to more than 10% of the ship. The only catch is that you have to take the effort to list it down, the reward is you get it as part of the "Ship Package deal" and the return is that you take the stuff and list them down Ideally in an Asset Spreadsheet (another sheet in the Crews Spreadsheet).

This does not include

  • Weapons that was not indicated in the basic ship package/stat block. 
  • Turrets (heavy or light)
  • Fighters (if the ship is converted into a carrier)
  • Modifications (adding power plants, drives, quarters, additional etc.)

This may include (note ideally this does not exceed 10% of the ship's total value):

  • Non-Combat Small-Craft (also the essential supplies also here)
  • Vehicles
  • Heavy Equipment (Heavy Exo-skeletons; Robots)
  • Basic Equipment (Powered Suits; Tech Bots; repiar tools)
  • Software and AI 
  • Missiles (HE warheads only; $25k each), Sand, 
  • 6 months of supplies equal to the ship's Life Support. 

All the equipment if I did a serious accounting of them, added up to 17M of my 288M Frontier Merchant.

Notes about Expenses?

  • Does an HT8 ship (with 20% the cost) have lower expenses than an HT10 of the ship or an HT12 of the ship? To simplify Yes, but I think if you continuously use sub par replaceable parts at 1/5 the cost of what is a reasonably small overhead expense then  you should incur some penalties from -1 to -3 mechanic or eletronics repair checks or checks in the basic use of these tools like piloting or operations checks. 
  • Upgrade Expenses (not just from TL10 to 11, but HT upgrades; I'm on the inclination to use the rugged rules for tougher parts are just double the cost + or - the merchant's price roll and ability to negotiate or find the best price), its better to organize the upgrades in sections: Power, Drives, Lifesupport, Hull, Sensors, Computers, Quarters, etc.. 

Updated Expenses and Profitability Spreadsheet in light of the Standard Operating Procedure I developed in my other Post.

Finally Profitability... but the margins are pretty slim. this assumes purely 80% efficiency (getting only 80% of hold and passengers filled; room for speculative trade to increase profits).

Friday, July 19, 2013

My 10 year old RPG thesis

+Alexander Osias in Armchair Gamer happens to have on of the few surviving copies of RPG thesis. Looking back it was a very good experience, unfortunately it was a very very poor project. There are two versions: 1865 and Mahadlika, I took the thesis twice I passed the initial one but regretted the quality and tried again with Mahadlika. On my second try I was competing for best multi-media project for the semester. 

What I learned was End-to-End solutions of coming out with a book. I talked to printers, I have an uncle with a printing press, I learned about paper, I illustrated and worked with +Nico salonga to add more illustrations, I reseached and wrote a 30,000 page bibliography and made about 5,000 words for rules and mechanics. I made marketing collateral, a website, and had content from friends who contributed short stories regarding the genre. 

There were two systems in one, one that allowed people to play with just playing cards and another using the same stats to play with dice. Each had their own strengths: dice really subject to chance while the cards was strategy and accumulating a good hand. 

It was very much inspired by Noli-me-Tangere (Touch me not!) and the El-Filibusterismo (The Heretic!) and many more books that fed into the same dangerous and intrigue heavy Anarchy of Families, the Game of Thrones of Philippine History, for something I wrote in around 2002-2003. 

I might have espoused so much BS when I wrote it but I think it was more about "revenge". This is the emotion of Jose Rizal's books that really called to the younger me. Even now when I did (and will do) my readings of the Noli I feel so depressed and angry because the problem are still around since 100+ years after they were written. 

Samiel, the Devil, was the main plot device of the story. In fact, reflecting now, I should have made the GM Samiel, and Samiel is based on Elias/Ibarra Rizal's own personal demon. It is a setting that requires a lot of maturity and a medium who want to channel their aggression about an oppressive situation in a "Count of Monte Cristo" manner.  

This book a rambling of identity in light of Philippine history, so I'm very much regretting having such published. It will also get me in trouble in businesses now that I'm older and working lolz. It was an exercise and research and a lot of uncomfortable things. 

Being a Filipino history buff is a tragedy, great things that happened and are forgotten, sacrifices are taken for granted, the bad guys mostly won, and you feel like your the only one who remembers the kick ass heroics and the awesome heroes. Being a gamer means having an imagination able to personify these people to be alive in memory. My seniors, gamers and history buffs about 10 years older than me, are raising their families and see their own number dwindling.  I'm the youngest of them, growing up gaming with them, and by the time my son may be old enough to understand this I will have moved on and so will they.  All those lessons and the reasons behind them forgotten. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

IMTU Tight Budget Ship Operations

This is basically the Standard Operating Proceedure for many ships businesses to maximize costs and minimize expenses. Note that the GM has to approve such still.

1) Try not berth the main ship
Instead drop off the freight using the lighterage fees (ISW175) paying only $10/dton as you have it picked up from orbit. When you have to land, wharf fees rules (ISW176) and the admin fee of $500 fee (ISW175) will be your expenses, a skilled merchant will need to negotiate the cost of the additional expense hopefully to be charged to the client upon receiving the freight a jump before.

It can be assumed that Liners and Freighters never land, and do this instead. The Liners can always pass the cost of Shuttling services to the Passengers, or make a buck with the services. PCs and their own ship can charge for shuttle services $50 per person (ISW175).

Even $1600 to send out 160 dtons instead of paying $3700 when wharfing and admin fee.

2) Berth only Small Craft or G-Carriers
Berth only your small craft (ISW 201-203) or G-Carriers (ISW168). Example - Imperial Standard G-Carrier will cost only $800 to berth per week or the really efficient but expensive Micrboat (from JTAS 40 Foot Cargo Containers, by Henry J. Cobb) $400 but can carry a 40ft container module for another $1000.

Security conscious worlds will hassle the crew who come and go the starport, so it typical the crew will either operate within the starport (not the internet connection cost for the period of stay is in UT and is not so much different from the present, particularly the outrageous fees).  Accommodations are in B265

Example Rizoli has Micrboats with 6 seaters and half a dton for cargo and the ability to carry a 40ft container module (carrying an ATV or hover car). It just costs $1000 for it to berth. Instead of paying $40,000 berthing 400dtons. Combined with Lighterage Fees of $1600 the total overhead cost for Rizoli is $2600 per arrival vs $40,000 but because even with accommodations for 7 for one week $5,880 plus transportation costs.  

3) Refine your own Fuel,
Its good to note how long it takes to refine fuel. Just because there is a price for refined fuel one does not mean one has to take it. At almost 4x the cost, I don't know what was the reason people wont refine their own fuel because a Fuel Processor (ISW192) cost gives it an ROI of a about 10 jumps.

Example Rizoli - 6400 from 28,000 per refuel. 0 with wilderness refueling but the cost of overhead for the side trip it may take.

4) Work for Board and Training.
This really depends on your GM, but in Classic Traveler people can work for board. Taking it further, you can provide training to many who need the job skills, if your economic system has such folk. Of course after careful screening and a contract with a minimum work period and with a performance standard requirement (yikes a lot of HR matters lolz).  You will need Teaching, an Investment in a SHIP Training AI (I put up some sample Ship AIs) worth about $176k and the Microframes and techbots for that Ship AI to run.

Rizoli annually has a manpower cost (based on ISW salaries) of $3M per year, just paying for Officers reduces the cost per year to $0.9M. The ROI of the Ship Ai or a training AI is very quick.

Non-Transport Operations
A lot of money can be made for Non-Transport Operations because the costs and risks are much higher. Escort does not mean killing pirates, it means buying time for the ships to accelerate to escape. The Frontier Merchant in ISW210 is a ship that has enough surplus power and turrets that make it a good Q-Ship or armed merchanter.

Escort Operations is equal to the amount consumables one will go through for a number of expected encounters plus margin. My sample ship, the Rizoli, is capable of escort missions but missiles and sand will cost about $5M and not even repairs is counted. These are the most profitable but more often the most dangerous. Often the crew should be only taking this on if they have overwhelming odds or purely as a delaying tactic for the other ships to escape.  

The missiles are more expensive because they are Stingray missiles UT156 (2.5x the cost of regular Shaped charge warheads), half the cost of EMP missiles. designed to knock out the ship's systems. Under B432 in lethal electrical attacks it can possibly cause a ship to be disabled for 20-HT minutes unlike EMPs knock out systems for seconds but does not need to make contact (pretty much B432 Nonlethal Electrical Damage).

SHIP Volitional AI
TL10 Complexity-8 SHIP VAI
1145 points / $174,750 (CF 58.25)

  • TL10 Complexity-8 (IQ12) $3,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes [120]: DX12 [40]; IQ12 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per14 [10]; Will 14 [10]
    • Advantages [670]: AI [0]; Language Talent [10]; Cultural Adaptability [20]; Sage Talent +4 to Teaching, Mathematics, Expert Skill, History, Law, Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Research, Economics, Spacer, Finance, Market Analysis. Reaction Bonus: Scholars, students, and people who consult you. [40]; Servant Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking, Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners). Spacer Talent (10 points/level; Spacer, Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, Mechanic, Machinist, Environmental Suit, Pilot, Drive, Engineer, Free Fall, Aerobatics, First Aid, Armoury, Artillery, Gunner, Tactics (Space), Strategy (Space), Intelligence Analysis, Hazardous Materials, Freight Handling, Navigation ;+4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners). Possession (Cybernetic -40%; Mindlink/Telecommunications, connectivity required, -40%) [20]; Compartmentalized Mind 10 [500].
    • Disadvantages [-0]: 3-Laws of Robotics [0].
    • Social Background [25]
      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Riftian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Vilani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [2]
      • Language (Vilani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Anglic>Transform; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Sworldworlder; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Darrian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Darrian; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [85]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-18 (+4 Spacer)
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Zhodani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Vargr) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Darrians) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Genoee) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Aslan) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (3rd Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Imperial Dynasties) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Long Night) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Reign of Man/Second Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (First Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Terran) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Vilani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Literature (Greatest Works) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Philosophy (General) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Math (Applied) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Business) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Criminal) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Military) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Merchant (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Economics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Finance (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Market Analysis (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Linguistics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Spacer (E) IQ [1]-16 (+4 Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Comm) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (EW) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Comm) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (EW) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Security) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Robots) (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Electronics Repair (Computers) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (High performance Spacecraft) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Power Plant) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Jump-Drives) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Maneuver Drives) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Robots) (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Machinist (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Navigation (Space) (A) IQ [2]
      • Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ [2]
      • Environmental Suit (Vaccsuit) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Environmental Suit (Battlesuit) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Pilot (High performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Drive (Mech) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Drive (Construction Equipment) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Drive (Heavy Wheeled) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Driving (Hovercraft) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Driving (Tracked) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (High Performance Spacecraft) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Power Plant) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Jump-Drives) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Maneuver Drives) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Robotics) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Free Fall (E) HT [1]-14 (Spacer; Ship's HT)
      • Aerobatics (H) DX [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • First Aid (E) IQ+2 [4]-18 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Battlesuit) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Heavy Weapons) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Vehicular Armor) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Beams) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Cannon) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Guided Missile) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Beam) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Cannon) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Machine Guns) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Tactics (Space) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Strategy (Space) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Intelligence Analysis (Naval) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Hazardous Materials (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Freight Handling (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • 23 points for various other skills

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

IMTU Some Battledress, for Urban Warfare

I have this one, a mobile armor superiority one (non-humanoid), and a robot tank (non-humanoid). Ill stretch it out as I double check my calculations. 

Urban Tactical Vehicle variable Heavy Battle Dress

599 points / $235,000
1040lbs, 2E/24hrs. LC2
This battledress is designed for high conflict urban areas (like Hive worlds), allowing militarized law enforcement to bring a heavy battledress to a conflict zone independent of any special carrying vehicles and first respondents to have a battledress on the ready when matters escalate.

Transforms into an Armored Heavy ATV Bike (loses legs, Broad wheels). Payload can accommodate an armored rider of 224lbs and the 2 E-cell batteries 40lbs. 

Attribute Modifiers [160]: ST+15 (Size, -20%) [120]; DX+2 [40].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers [49]: SM+2; HP+15 (Size, -20%) [24]; Per+5 [25]
Advantages [422]: Lifting ST +15 (Size, -20%) [36]; Extra Arms 3 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [6]; Hyperspectral Vision [25]; Machine [25]; Payload 9 (Passenger) [9]; Protected Senses (Hearing, Vision) [10]; Radiation Tolerance 5 [10]; Sealed [15]. DR 50 (Cannot wear armor,
-40%) [150]; Reduced Consumption 2 [4], and Telescopic Vision 1 [5]; Alternate Form [ (No Legs (Wheeled; B145)[-20]; Ground Speed 2 ( ground speed 2 x4 speed 40 points; +2 levels but road only x16 20 points) [51]; Compartmentalized Mind (Controls for one) [25]; 
Perk [1]: Accessories (Medium Computer) [1].
Disadvantages [-33]: Electrical [-20]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, E cell) [-10]; Maintenance (one 
person, bi-weekly) [-3].

Hnd/SR +1/3
Move 5/80 on the road (20 off-road)
Lwt 0.66 tons
Ewt 0.5 tons
SM +2
Occ 1
DR 50
Range 4340 miles (Can carry extra 2x E-cells for double range)
Cost $235K

Typically armed with
LSW 7mmCL UT138
MLAWS 64mm UT146
Point Defense WDAI, Computer Complexity-7 with PDW 5.7mmCL UT138

459 points / $21,950 (Cost Factor 21.95)
The Point Defense AI can attack 3 targets that are headed to the PC. Shooting a 10mm round is SM-10. Typically run as an instance in a much more sophisticated computer like the Micro-frames of Combat Androids, Warbots, or Combat Robots. 
  • TL10 Complexity-7 (Weak Dedicated AI IQ10)
  • (Weak Dedicated AI) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29)
    • Attributes [130]: DX12 [40]; IQ12[40]; HT15 [90]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per16 [10]; Will 16 [10]
    • Advantages [285]: AI (Part of VAI UT28) [0]; Extra Attack 3 [75]; Compartmentalized Mind [150]; Enhanced Time Sense [45]; Combat reflex [15]
    • Disadvantages [-0]:
    • Social Background [0]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [24]:
      • Guns or Gunner (E) DX+7* [24]-19

        *capped by complexity without it i can make a IQ+unli AI. (july 29 2013)

IMTU Organic Bias

In GURPS the cost of an AI that can do a better job than a human is very very low. So low that I wanted to balance it out, like No Talents, but I kept getting caught in having an Human-Centric Bias. It hit a hard question: If a machine could do a better job than me and the economy and circumstance says this is a sustainable alternative then I've been made obsolete... not just me but my race, my children, their children.

I was working and reading the Mentality Template (B263) differences between a basic human and AI's (UT27-28). I wanted to answer some questions I had about what is the economic consequence of AI that is cheaper and better than humans. I had to throw my older rules out because, I was actually biased to the organic when i was comparing performance in apples to apples. Catching myself in a bias is refreshing, but put me in a dillemma as if I let AI's and robots eat up all the jobs what happens to people?

This is an age old question in sci-fi, but economics and the human condition really makes this more complicated than a cut and dry system. I think there is room in a universe for a ship to be crewed by VAI's at the expense of humans but there are consequences and challenges that have to be identified.

State Sponsor. In my Subsidized Economy post, The State, loyal to humans, has dictated policy for education and the means for anolog humans find work, training, and the means to raise their quality of life. Basically humans only have the state preventing them from being obsolete but by all objective measures, they are already obsolete by TL10.

Genetic Upgrades (BT66) - The only way Humans can avoid obsolescence is by upgrading to match the growing demands. I can imagine States begin by subsidizing gene-fixed because it will lower the cost of healthcare and bring down mortality rate and increase the talent pool. People will adopt cybernetics along with Gene-upgrading their children. 

I would allow Genetic Upgrades, but for fun allow Players to Roll randomly for them. Ooops I got a Hellot II... crap (BT67).

The consequences of allowing Genetic Upgrades In-My-Traveller-Universe is opening another can of worms, but a fun one with a Yes And/But storytelling. It is too complex and too much work to detail things as a GM, so use Yes And/But... after this no more head ache.  

Accountability - In light of a recent plane crash, AI seems to be the perfect scape goat but this makes the mega-corp more accountable if VAI is property. because of the NEED for scape goats we still have key positions for Analog Humans.

Analog vs Digital. Because many AI have the ability to Possess, Probe, Read, and Mind Control Digital Minds (see AI customization rules in UT29) Analog brains have the advantage of being another layer of defense, requiring Social Engineering or a different mode of Hacking.  

Analog vs Digital is an old but interesting topic. I'll let the players munchkin it out, but work with me looking at the consequences of certain strategies. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hard Worlder Robot 800F

Designed to be used to explore or work in planets like Venus (800F) and thick atmosphere (Scanning Sense Imaging Radar). This can be used as a Cyborg Body. 

Hard-Worlder Robot 800F
424 points / $171,000
400lbs, 2E/24hrs. LC4
This android is for hard labor in very difficult or dangerous worlds.
Attribute Modifiers [140]: ST+10 (-10% SM+1) [90]; HT+5 [50].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers [20]: SM+1; HP+10 (-10% SM+1) [18].
Advantages [274]: Lifting Strenght +5 [14]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 30 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [90]; Machine [25]; Payload 2 [2]; Protected Vision [5]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Temperature Tolerance (-55F to 1050F) [70]; Radio (Burst, +30%; Secure, +20%) [15]; Scanning Sense (Imaging Radar) [20].
Perk: Accessories (Microframe computer brain) [1].
Disadvantages [-33]: Electrical [-20]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10]; Add Maintenance (one person, bi-weekly) [-3].

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sci-Fi Subsidized economy

I don't like subsidizing out a game theory reasons, but its one of the most powerful means to influence the direction of a market or economy. After learning more about subsidized shipping I realized its a great medium for trade policy in a sci-fi game.

What if that price you see in the book the ship is the STICKER price, in the shipyards of your Interstellar State the price of production is only 20% of the sticker price. Business do not go into 50 year speculation, but governments are always assumed as a "going concern" so they are the only ones who can get into this, 50 year financing (like in subsidized home ownership loans here in the Phiippines).

This brings me to the next What if - What if all ships smaller than a Freighter are considered "Subsidized" Trade ships. As Subsidized ships they have a bunch of duties an

Basic duties.

  • Half of Profits After all Expenses. Basically the ship Volitional AI will do all the accounting and back-office support for the ship owners. Even go as far as providing Market Analysis and a strategy, of course they are the ones who handle the back office work so they get to see all the revenues and expenses. They have a duty to make sure that the Interstellar State gets their cut. Note that the leverage of the State is that they have the power to stretch out the interest, at the same time negotiate with Shipyards/Suppliers for the maximum economies of scale. 
  • Employ Imperial Citizens as crew and provide them Training and basic living expenses, even allowing people to work for in return for training and basic living stipend. The Training can be achieved via UT's AI tutors in . The Ship can afford to a Microframe that has a specialized training VAI for the crew that is UT56-57 The AI may cost up to $20,000 using the AI creation rules in UT, capable of possessing and running all the Techbots, Androids, Robots, and Bioroids of the ship. 
  • Dictate where certain ships have to Operate. In dangerous, undeveloped, and frontier areas that need much needed trade infra, the State can use their influence over the duties of these ship owners to trade in places many are adverse to work in. 
  • Emergency Ships. In emergencies, they have to answer the call to provide aid, fight, support the fighting, etc... in a way this is one of the most effective ways to cheapen the cost of military and support operations over time. Shipyards busily churning out subsidized ships 
If the State has property rights and self determination a strong element in its constitution then it is possible for these ship owners to own a ship, possibly inheriting a ship if it takes more than one lifetime to work towards owning one. 

It is possible that subsidized merchants make up 99% of all ships in a Sci-fi setting. One of the main reasons is through the muddy way value is generated in an economy, the State's job could be to provide jobs and livelihoods and it does that by making ships and trade as cheap as possible.

What i find interesting is that this is a theoretical point where the State is merely there to be an entity that would make it possible for business to attempt risks they would never had tied, simply to keep confidence and value up.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Unloading a Headache - My Software AI Notes from UT

This is the notes I've compiled. Basically I found it a head ache to reference Transhuman Space, Transhuman Space: Changing Times, Ultra Tech, Bio-Tech and Basic Set so instead I built templates from scratch only using UT and Basic Set and of course This. You will see why this is a massive head ache. This will be part of the Sample Characters I'm creating for the Instant Crew. their Equipment is SMART so I ended up dealing with this kind of detail. Once all the notes are done and consolidated I can draw from this in the future. 

Mostly Taken from UT27-28 and trying to keep it within Basic and UT so that its easy, compared to having it in 5 different sources. I have all this in one statement sized Doc I will share once' i finish most of the work consolidating and simplifying and prepping materials for such a game and having extrapolations based on what the technology will do to the Sci-Fi economy.  

Use these AI's as benchmarks to see how much an AI is going to cost. Example, a poor TL10 War Academy AI would probably x3.3 as much as the SHIP AI but specialized in churning out military personnel.   

AI customization notes
  • You cannot buy-off the packages and these packages are considered the default per AI. So you cannot get a NVAI and buy off Automaton. The points in these Templates dont count towards the cost of the software (it is as though your starting with CF1). Additional points to raise ability scores from the default packages
  • IQ and DX is capped to +2 total increase from base (dependent on Complexity). Additional improvements to DX have to come from the body (which adds to the DX as .
  • Will and Per are capped to +2 from the adjusted IQ base.
  • HT is only for the AI Software and does not apply to the physical form.
*Why the caps - because I can make an IQ20 (+1CF per +1IQ) software in a Complexity-6 software and it breaks the system. So  $300 Software AI is now $4600 ish but with IQ 20! 

Common Customized Powers
  • Possession (Digital,-40%; Mind-link Required -40%) [20] (B75) typical of AI that control of
  • Compartmentalized Mind [50] (B43) Microframes
  • Mind Reading (Cybernetics Only, -50%; Telecommunication, -20%; Sensory, +20%) (B69) [15] (B68-69) typical of Intrusion AI
  • Mind Probe (Cybernetics Only, -50%; Telecommunication, -20%; Sensory, +20%) (B69) [10] (B69) typical of Intrusion AI


A Sentient but often Non-Sapient AI. Basically a Smart Tool and used for a Smart Tool. Note that this AI cannot have an IQ greater than 6.

Drone AI Metatrait
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Cannot Learn [-30] (B125)
  • Short Lifespan 4 [-40]
  • Feature: Fixed IQ

Weak Dedicated AI

(WDAI) – A more sophisticated “Smart Tool”, but unable to learn on its own and perceive layers of context and nuance (Cannot Learn). This is made up of the mentality traits in B263 AI, Automaton with Cannot Learn and as an AI gets really buggy and outdated quickly (Short Life Span). The only way it would learn if it was “reprogrammed” with new input.

Jobs and WDAI. WDAI are the best tools, they are incredibly easy to use. As smart tools, one does not need the proper skill to use them, WDAI can simply follow instruction and work based on their inherent IQ and the skills they may possess.

Example-1. TL10 Fast Tiny Computer (Complexity 6) used on a Life Suit can have an IQ 12 and various skills like electronics repair etc... the AI will coordinate and control repair swarms or the techbots when repairing itself. It will adjust itself as quickly and skillfully its settings for an unskilled user, going as far as being able to detect comfort levels. Its Intelligence allows it to optimize performance and re-allocate resources to best suit its tasks.

Example-2. TL10 WDAI and Microframe (Complexity 8) can have an IQ of 16 and can do amazing things if the software allows for it, like self-diagnosis (diagnosis and treating oneself suffers many penalties), etc... its disadvantages are offset by its very high IQ (-3 from Automaton etc...) but it cannot Learn and over time while used it will degrade and have errors.

Weak Dedicated AI Metatrait.
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Cannot Learn [-30] (B125)
  • Short Lifespan 4 [-40] (B154)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming [-54] (except for WDAI for weapons):
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].

Non-Volitional AI

Self Aware and Sapient, but burdened by the extra processing and complexity of this. Unlike Weak Dedicated AI, NVAI can learn and even evolve to be Volitional AI (buy more sophisticated programming see UT29 software customization rules) and Sophont but after overcoming many challenges. Social bacground and NVAI. NVAI have a social background and default languages.

Jobs and NVAI. NVAI needs far less supervision than WDAI, its ability to learn means it can adapt to situations and subtleties in context. GM can allow them to take over non-critical tasks like serve as low-sklled labor.

NVAI Customization notes. The program does degrade over time, older models are valued only if they survived to correct themselves and over time become Volitional AI or they have acquired many bugs in the course of their human lengthen lifespan see B154. Older NVAI would have bought off some of the Automaton Disadvantages and taken Longevity (B66) or Extended Lifespan (B53),

Non-Volitional AI Mentality Template
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming [-54]:
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].

Volitional AI

Sapient and has an advantage from various optimized processes from an evolved brain, with its random baggage. The GM should encourage players to give Quirks to their Software AI.

Social bacground and VAI. NVAI have a social background and default languages.

VAI and Jobs - If they meet the skills requirement they are as-good as other Sophonts. Such AI makes base-line and unaugmented humans obsolete. Still they are limited by their hardware, the economy, state/laws, and the majority of organic population that hold the power.

Volitional AI Mentality Template
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming [-54]:
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].
  • Features:

Mind Emulation
Cyborg Brain – More sophisticated Intrusion is needed to

How these are supposed to work: 

These are AI templates based on the rules how to customize an AI Software in the Purchasing Machines: AI Software UT29 and all the rules in UT and Basic Set: Characters. This is purely Software so you can apply it on a computer that can be small enough for a Computer Implant (Implanted Digital Mind) UT217 or serve as a Robot or Android Brain. 

Note that The Accessory Perk note on the android Limits the Size of the computer you can use on a robot. Combat Android and a Warbot can have a Microframe while an Android can only have a Medium/Personal Computer. Some conflicts in the rules which can be handwaved (like that only robots that can have enough space for a Microframe allowed to house a Cyberbrain, lifesupport and nervous system. Handwave!)

Color Coded so that its easier to remember which template I'm looking at. 

265 points / $14,250 (Cost Factor 14.25)
  • TL10 Complexity-7 (Volitional AI IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes [120]: ST0[0]; DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per12 [0]; Will 12 [0]
    • Advantages [40]: AI (Part of VAI UT28) [0]; Servant Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking, Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners).
    • Disadvantages [-0]: Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20]
    • Social Background [5]
      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Riftian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Vilani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Transform; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [32]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Writing (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Plus 18 points
  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 8 will x3 its price. Increase the IQ by 2 and all the skills related to it OR it instead gains
  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 9 will x10 its price and Increase the IQ by 4 and all the skills related to it.
  • If the software has the capability to Have Compartmentalized Minds add +1CF for every Compartmentalized Mind
  • If the software has the capability to Possess puppets add +2.5CF.
  • Typically when using a Microframe Complexity 8 computer, two instances of the program is running one Complexity 8 version and about 10 complexity 7 versions which allow. All of which can possess puppets,

455 points / $23,750 (CF 19.75)
  • TL10 Complexity-7 (IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes [120]: DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per12 [10]; Will 12 [10]
    • Advantages [70]: AI [0]; Language Talent [10]; Cultural Adaptability [20]; Sage Talent +4 to Teaching, Mathematics, Expert Skill, History, Law, Literature, Philosophy, Research, Economics, Spacer, Finance, Market Analysis. Reaction Bonus: Scholars, students, and people who consult you. [40];
    • Disadvantages [-0]: 3-Laws of Robotics [0].
    • Social Background [25]
      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Riftian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Vilani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Transform; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Darrian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Darrian; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Genoee; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Genoee; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [85]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Zhodani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Vargr) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Darrians) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Genoee) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Aslan) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (3rd Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Imperial Dynasties) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Long Night) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Reign of Man/Second Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (First Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Terran) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Vilani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Literature (Greatest Works) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Philosophy (General) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Math (Applied) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Business) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Criminal) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Military) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Merchant (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Economics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Finance (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Market Analysis (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • 22 points for more skills
  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 8 will x3 its price. Increase the IQ by 2 and all the skills related to it OR it instead gains
  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 9 will x10 its price and Increase the IQ by 4 and all the skills related to it.
  • If the software has the capability to Have Compartmentalized Minds add +1CF for every Compartmentalized Mind
  • If the software has the capability to Possess puppets add +2.5CF.
  • Typically when using a Microframe Complexity 8 computer, two instances of the program is running one Complexity 8 version and about 10 complexity 7 versions which allow. All of which can possess puppets.

405 points / $21,250
  • TL10 Complexity-7 (IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes [120]: DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per12 [10]; Will 12 [10]
    • Advantages [80]: AI [0]; Natural Copper (10 points/level; Body Language, Criminology, Detect Lies, Electronics Operations (Surveillance and Security), Interrogation, Observation, Savoir-Faire (Police), Traps, Shadowing, and Streetwise. Reaction Bonus: Policemen and private investigators. Alternative Benefit: +1/level to casual Per rolls to notice clues when no skill would apply, and to all rolls to use Intuition (p. B63).); Servant Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking, Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners).
    • Disadvantages [0]: Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [180]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-11
      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-11
      • Body Language (A) Per+1 [4]-17 (+4 Talent)
      • Criminology (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Detect Lies (H) Per [4]-16 (+4 Talent)
      • Electronics Operation (Surveilance) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Observation (H) Per [4]-16 (+4 Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Police) (E) IQ [1]-14 (+4 Talent)
      • Traps (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Talent)
      • Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)
      • Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-12
        • Evade (A) Acrobatics+5 [5]-17
      • Axe/Mace (A) DX [2]-13
      • Guns (Ballistic Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12
      • Guns (Ballistic Rife) (E) DX [1]-12
      • Guns (Ballistic SMG) (E) DX [1]-12
      • Guns (Ballistic Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12
      • Karate (H) DX [4]-13
        • Kicking (H) Karate [3]-13
      • Judo (H) DX [4]-13
        • Arm-Lock (A) Judo+4 [4]-17
        • Ground Fighting (H) Judo [5]-13
      • Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-15
        • Shield Wall Training Per [1]
      • Shortsword (A) DX [2]-13
      • Spear (A) DX [2]-13
      • Climbing (A) DX [2]-12
      • Freefall (E) HT [1]-12
      • Jumping (E) DX [1]-13
      • Running (A) HT-1 [1]-13
      • Drive (Ground Car) (A) DX-1 [1]-12
      • Pilot (Aircar) (A) DX-1 [1]-12
      • Powered Suit (A) DX-1 [1]-11
      • Spacer (E) IQ [1]-10
      •  23 points for other skills
TL10 Complexity-8 SHIP VAI
1145 points / $174,750 (CF 58.25)
  • TL10 Complexity-8 (IQ12) $3,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes [120]: DX12 [40]; IQ12 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary Characteristics [20]: Per14 [10]; Will 14 [10]
    • Advantages [670]: AI [0]; Language Talent [10]; Cultural Adaptability [20]; Sage Talent +4 to Teaching, Mathematics, Expert Skill, History, Law, Literature, Philosophy, Research, Economics, Spacer, Finance, Market Analysis. Reaction Bonus: Scholars, students, and people who consult you. [40]; Servant Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking, Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners). Spacer Talent (10 points/level; Spacer, Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, Mechanic, Machinist, Environmental Suit, Pilot, Drive, Engineer, Free Fall, Aerobatics, First Aid, Armoury, Artillery, Gunner, Tactics (Space), Strategy (Space), Intelligence Analysis, Hazardous Materials, Freight Handling, Navigation ;+4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners). Possession (Cybernetic -40%; Mindlink/Telecommunications, connectivity required, -40%) [20]; Compartmentalized Mind 10 [500].
    • Disadvantages [-0]: 3-Laws of Robotics [0].
    • Social Background [25]
      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Riftian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Vilani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Transform; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Darrian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Darrian; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Genoee; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Genoee; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [85]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-18 (+4 Spacer)
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Zhodani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Vargr) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Darrians) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Genoee) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Aslan) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (3rd Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Imperial Dynasties) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Long Night) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Reign of Man/Second Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (First Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Terran) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Vilani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Literature (Greatest Works) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Philosophy (General) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Math (Applied) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Business) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Criminal) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Military) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Merchant (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Economics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Finance (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Market Analysis (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Spacer (E) IQ [1]-16 (+4 Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Comm) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (EW) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Comm) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (EW) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Security) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics Repair (Robots) (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Electronics Repair (Computers) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (High performance Spacecraft) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Power Plant) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Jump-Drives) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Maneuver Drives) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic (Robots) (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Machinist (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Navigation (Space) (A) IQ [2]
      • Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ [2]
      • Environmental Suit (Vaccsuit) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Environmental Suit (Battlesuit) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Pilot (High performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Drive (Mech) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Drive (Construction Equipment) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Drive (Heavy Wheeled) (A) DX [2]-12
      • Driving (Hovercraft) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Driving (Tracked) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (High Performance Spacecraft) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Power Plant) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Jump-Drives) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Maneuver Drives) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer (Robotics) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Free Fall (E) HT [1]-14 (Spacer; Ship's HT)
      • Aerobatics (H) DX [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • First Aid (E) IQ+2 [4]-18 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Battlesuit) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Heavy Weapons) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Armoury (Vehicular Armor) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Beams) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Cannon) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery (Guided Missile) (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Beam) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Cannon) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner (Machine Guns) (E) DX [1]-16 (Spacer)
      • Tactics (Space) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Strategy (Space) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Intelligence Analysis (Naval) (H) IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Hazardous Materials (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Freight Handling (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • 27 points for Various Skills
This ship AI is powerful enough to run the ship fully autonomous which may be a boon in a game and another potential source for adventures. Pretty much the GM's go-to NPC. In another post I have a fully equipped and costed ship. This AI is intended for Subsidized Merchanters who are required to take on any citizen who will work for board, training, and some compensation (like HAMNITE!).