Friday, August 28, 2009
GURPS Traveller and Ultra Tech Problems
Ammo. Ammo variety have to be re-balanced. In the thread discussing HEMP (High Explosive Multi Purpouse) rounds, lead to discussion to TL8 Armor Piercing Discard Sabot Depleted Fin Stabalized Uranium (APDSFSDU) being much more powerful than TL9 Armor Piercing Enhanced Penetrator (APEP) with a surprising price difference of the TL8 at x5 while the TL9 at x10.
Ground Doctrine. The thread also touches on how ground forces doctrine is supposed to be with regard to the enhanced power of chemical slug throwers are able to dish out and the age old Sci-Fi geek debate over Battlesuits. I guess I can cover this in the future, step by step, by analyzing the economic implication moving towards the technological possiblities.
Although, my stance is that given economic limitations Load Bearing Exo-Skeletons and Sealed Stealthed Tactical Suits will be what would dominate the Infantryman Battle Field (which is important for occupation purposes).
Traveller ISW Naval Doctrine. Mark Gellis will cover this part by part in JTAS but if you don't have a JTAS subsciption and you need a hard fast rule now, I'm happy to oblige. This is my current annoyance right now and my curiousities is bussied by the question as I'm reading through At All Costs by David Weber (Honor Harrington series).
GURPS Traveller: Space Ships
There seems to be aneed for a several templates for missile variety
- High Endurance Missiles
- Penetration Aids (they create large amounts of false signals that give Point defense more to shoot at)
- Dazzlers
- Counter Missiles
- EW Drones - They slightly displace ship signals and emmisions (in the scale of a miles) to give a false trajectory to targetting calculations and sensors.
- Heavier Missiles since the Default Missiles is based on "Jet Fighter" and Anti Aircraft missiles. Missiles like Cruise Missiles are more likely to be used in Military engagements.
- Better Sensor Rules! There is a better way to do this that doesnt have to be more complicated.
- Better Bridge Crew Rules! 2 sensor officers vs 1, having 1 dedicated EW officer, or having a Tactical officer, etc. The impact of bridge crew dedicated roles are huge. The system should better reflect it.
This is all great but too much for a single GM? It is thats why a fleet and squadron should be cooperatively made using an established doctrine. The idea is to create enough ships and simple ways to generate variety that a GM will take very little time to compile his fleet. This might turn into a War game, and I have no problem with that. If a bunch of players want to play Traveller as a war game, why not?
Fixed Orbital Infrastructure. Interestingly Fixed Orbital Infrastructure may be a pre-mature TL9 remnant. Because of wars, all orbital infrastructure may probably be on very slow ships which are strategically placed on defensible terrain, like rings, belts, or gass giants. Only very well defended systems will have near-fixed Orbital structures. Other systems will have orbital structures that can completely stealth in rings with layer of EW, ECM drones, and Supplies to last long enough.
The existance of Defensible terrain in a system makes the chances of survival of slow structures. Especially when there are more places to hide EW/ ECM drones, missile pods, sensor platforms, and Fighter Bays.
In some systems you can actually have the equivalent of Trench Warfare, given the limitations of Sensor data in the RAW Traveller 3e Books (which are better than the 4e book).
There becomes a need to have Variable Cargo Space: that can be used as a hangar, or to carry Jump fuel. Maybe making some rules for this should be in order. Once I have that, I'll apply such rules on the ships I've made.
Find my preliminary Ship Creation Rules Modifications in the Stuff I made section. This should help make the ship creation job a bit easier.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Traveller: Entrepreneurs
what else is great about using this format is I get to use my wife's and my old school material or the 'adventure' premise.
Below is a quickly converted typical business-adventure
As an entrepreneurship student I've always thought that the free traders have to be best of the best to make things work. I never imagined them as working with "routine" workdays, instead I imagine them with new project ventures every year or so.
My basic business strategy for free trader is not as a trader (buying and selling) but as an entrepreneur who can transport capital and skilled personnel to developing markets. The way venture capitalists fly in to start a business in a market that would be great fit for the service or product they are peddling.
There is economic opportunity everywhere that is "different". Amber zones with huge populations, but relatively undeveloped markets, will be the perfect place for both adventure and business. Even far-off dirt balls that have relatively small populations are their own opportunity, its just a matter of the economic role the location should be shaping up to take. Dealing with a different culture, different market, the red tape, the politics, and trying to make the business work is part of the fun.
The difference of just being a glorified medieval trader versus today's perception of a globalized entrepreneurship is the ballzy approach to risk, strange cultures and challenges. We have reached a new renaissance in economic theory with the help of advances in game theory, powerful information gathering and processing tools, market psychology and the rich economic history that provides enormous insight making business a science.
My default situation: A business will want to open an on planet with a rich potential market. This is the same as opening a business on a developing country and tapping into their markets. This kind of endeavor requires incredible ability for an outsider. There are political, cultural, and market barriers to penetrate. PCs of sufficient abilities can travel with all the capital and personnel on hand thanks to the 200-400Dton ship.
In such a game market barriers are the least problematic for the PCs since the GM can just make them roll their Business related skill for that (usually these skills will at LEAST be at 12 with cutting edge analysis equipment at +2). This will make the game less "crunchy" unless the PCs want otherwise.
When the PCs goes off in adventures making deals and getting caught up with the nitty and gritty political process. They get involved corrupt official, competitors, multiple facets of the situation that will try provide a dynamic and active challenge. These adventures fit the classic RPG adventure format but they have to meet some reasonable business-like objectives. Examples of such are Macguffins which usually fall in a social and intelligence category.
Then there are the situations where the greater scale of things affect them, like force majeur and other things that always happen when a business is starting up. PCs overcome them and potentially ride long and hard enough for the business to settle or break even.
Either way, they get something out of it: more business contacts, more lessons, discovering an interesting element from the developing market that has possibilities for business with someone near by etc. (which could be a culture more inclined for X production, special or abundant resource, certain tax benefits etc etc.)
My personal experience in the matter comes from my family business, and my wife work in foreign a investment firm. Typically Return on Investments should be within 2 years (more would be stressing it, because of the unpredictability of the time). If a business is not projectably profitable beyond this point, it would be better to just cash out or sell it.
Thus the $69M 200Dton (or $75M for my 400dton subsidized merchant) should be able to earn pay for itself in around 2 years. Banks that finance such entrepreneur also have several jobs in mind even before the contract is final. There is usually a back up plan, several in fact, to make sure that the venture makes money. The GM simply just has to make these "opportunities" up and set any arbitrary price he wants, already simplifying the bank interactions to ease the stress of the players.
What is so great about this incredible amount of planning and intelligence is that the GM can simplify it with his/her arbitrary rulings: X jobs will be needed to pay off the ship- the Players choose to be paid in kind (beyond subsistence) or earn ownership of the vessel.
Now and then, crap happens and businesses fail. This can turn off some players, but it shouldnt. Banks and Financers plan a head for Risk. If the performance of the PCs were good but were merely unlucky (or spectacularly unlucky), there are usually provisions to protect everyone involved. Investors can still understand how force majeur and enemy action doesn't entirely mean the PCs were unbankable and would normally give PCs another chance but will simply penalize them with greater debt and the extented period of payments. Players should worry so much about getting into financial trouble as long as their characters are still motivated to get out of it, the ideal mentality in any kind of trouble. Experience matters a lot and always in high demand. (the way people who crashed markets can still find a job)
Then Rinse, Lather, Repeat on the next venture capital investment. Note, there is a psychological difference between managers and entrepreneurs. PCs usually fall under the entreps. Entreps are actually = to Adventurers (and may be good starting a business but not running it over time) because of the appetite for risk that is very rare.
How to Run an Entrepreneur Traveller Game:
Step 1: The Sponsors or the PCs will have researched all the risk and factors concerning a venture. They will have a business plan set up with a number of objectives they need to achieve (or intelligence they have to gather).
Step 2: The PCs (with the npcs) make their extra-preparations considering the risks brief of the GM/Sponsors.
Step 3: They Land and go about their business. This is where RP is fun, even without combat. Social RPing Business interactions is actually very fun and doesnt requires astute psychological and social skills from the Players. Strangely these things are all in many business books.
Step 4: complications always happen, gunfights, space combat, espionage, political manuvering, naked/subtle power plays etc. etc.
Step 5: objectives achieved and time will tell (Rolls)
Step 6: Debrief, Consequences and the next adventure.
What else is great about using this format is I get to use my wife's and my old school material or the 'adventure' premise. Below is a quickly converted typical business-adventure
Johnson Mikeals is the owner of En-r-Vyv manufacturing in Forbolden. He has been keeping track of the news regarding Roup trade, which is negotiated by the Subsector Capital, Regina. Slowly, Mr. Mikeals has been accumulating Intelligence and contacts. Over time, he begins to feels confident that a venture into Roup will feasible and chance to be highly profitable despite the market entry barriers.Curve-balls. Here are some sample potential scenarios.
Recently, talks seem to be reaching fruition. Upon analysis of the political situation, he has decided to go a head and call in some favors and made some inquiries. He knows he will need highly skilled personnel and to make some fact finding and hands on examination of the Roup. Mr. Mikeals hopes to open solar cell manufacturing plant, using special light-industrial materials supplied by Forbolden.
A month later, he arrives home from Roup. His trip was successful, save for the usual problems. He has found an ideal location where he can start his business unmolested and endorsed by the local politicians as long as he come to an agreement with them.
The crucial early stages of the start up is delicate and he can't do this alone. Fortunately, several of his favors are returned in kind when several highly capable "adventurers" have come to help him for the opportunity to invest their own skills and capital to make the business work, in return for a piece of the ownership and generous returns.
This is where the PCs side of the adventure comes in.
- Government changing their mind (or a change of Administration).
- A new Element/Politician enters the field hold the company hostage by denying basic utilities, infrastrucute or "newly required" permits.
- Local Political unrest affecting market or the hired factory workers.
- Political or Business Rivals trying to sabotage the business.
- A syndicate plans to start a union that will seize control and bankrupt the company.
- PCs get caught up in local or personal affairs.
Safety net.
Imperial Advocates. Given the logistics of maintaining fleet strength and bureaucratic efficiency the Imperium, there are special Law Enforcing bodies that are tasked to protect entrepreneurs and free trade to keep the Imperial Economy strong. Legal elements in place to "cover' their retreat or a way to "fix" the agreements are usually around to help the various entreps in the Imperium.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Traveller ISW: Automated Turrets and Exo Skeletons
TL 9 Turret Programing $3,300 +30lbs
$2,000 TL10 Hardened Personal Computer Complexity 5
Good, +1 Artillery: Missiles, Complexity 5, $1000
Good, +1 Gunner: Beam, Complexity 4, $300
TL 10 Turret Programing $3,300 +30lbs
$2,000 TL10 Hardened Personal Computer Complexity 7
Fine, +2 Artillery: Missiles, Complexity 7, $1000
Fine, +2 Gunner: Beam, Complexity 6, $300
TL9 Industrial Spider Exo Skeleton: DR20/0, $150,000, 300lbs, SM+2, 2E/24hr
Basically this is a heavy exo-skeleton with 6 manipulators and tools built in. The Manipulators aid in orientation and handling large and bulky parts necessary in repair. Serious Ship Repairs, Refitting, Modification and Maintenance (anything tha deals with material nearing the weight in 1 to 10 tons) are at a -7 without an exo-skeleton, -5 with just a Light exoskeleton, -3 with a Heavy Exo-skeleton, and with no penalty with the Spider Exo. SST+10, LST+14, Storage is 200 cubic feet (0.2-Dton). TL10 has 50% more ST and can work with up to 15 tons. Hold out Penalty NA
TL9 Load Bearing Exo Skeleton DR12/0, $10,000, 12lbs (-4 hold out penalty).
The earliest Exo Skeleton model. Primarily designed for health care service and the infirmed, it has also been used for military applications (rugged and crude 22lbs, DR24/0, 11HP, HT12, same cost, -6 Hold out Penalty). +4LST and +2SST (the TL10 version is the Stealth Exo).
Hold Out Penalties for Exo Skeletons: only from distant observation.
- Heavy Exo -8
- Light Exo -6
- Lower Body Exo -5
- Power Sleeve -4
- Ranger Exo Skeleton -6
- Stealth Exo Skeleton -2 (add the disguised x2 modifier to reduce it to -1, and x5 to -0)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Finally a Traveller Carrier!
Doctrine: Carriers are primarily assault vessels, meant to overwhelm an opponent's defenses with high missile saturation. Fighters are meant to use 100 x 5 missiles to saturate an enemies defense.
As for Carrier defense, layered Fighter squadrons provide maximum Point-Defense, along with maximum relay effectiveness to keep enemy too far for effective sensor range and prevent battleships or cruisers a direct intercept vector.
Carriers cannot collect all its deployed fighters quickly and since fighters serve as screening elements, withdrawal is a messy affair for Carriers. This makes them in-effective in hit and run tactics without a large amount of preparation more powerful and supporting screening elements.
Despite the drawbacks, this carrier is capable of withdrawing thanks to its extra jump capacity.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 10,000-Dton Cylinder (210ksf, 210tons, $600), dDR 70 armor (7,350tons, +$88.2), Stealth (+52.5tons, +$15.75). 7,612.5tons 703.95
Systems: 300 M-Drive (1,200tons, $300M, -600MW, 60,000T-Thrust), 300 J-Drive (1200tons, $1200M, -600MW), 4,000 Fuel Tanks (Jump-2; 4 parsec range) (100tons, $80M), Command Bridge (5-Dtons, 12tons, $4), Model-9 Sensors (Scan 24) (20dtons, 240tons, $80, -80MW), 42 Heavy Turrets (63tons, $8.4M) (84 Pulse Lasers, 168 Missile Racks) (420tons, $168M ), Hangar (100x5-Dton small crafts) (110-Dtons, 150tons), 3 5-Dton Launch Tubes (6-Dtons, 60tons, $0.6M, -1.5MW), 2 Staterooms (16-Dtons, 4tons, $1), 50 staterooms (200-Dtons, 50tons, $5M), 300 comfortable cabins (900-Dtons, 337.5tons, $67.5M), 450 cabins (900-Dtons, 225tons, $45M), 250 capacity galley and multipurpose hall (375-Dtons, 125tons, $25M), 250 capacity recreation and common area (375-Dtons, 125tons, $25M), 250 capacity study, training, and exercise facility (375-Dtons, 125tons, $25M), 50 Armoury and Battledress Morgue (50-Dtons, 12.5tons, $5M), 50 Brig (armored cabin) (100-Dtons, 25dtons, $2M), 215 escape capsules (852occ) (426-Dtons, 215tons, $21.5M), 1 Repulsor Array (100-Dtons, 400tons, $100M, -250), 3 Workshops (7.5-Dtons, 45tons, $1.8), 9 Sickbays (9tons, $1.8M), 360 Fusion Plant (1440tons, $1080, 7200MW), 82 Cargo. Total 6583tons $3246.6
Statistics: EMass 14,195 tons, Lmass 22,507 tons (+760tons ammo, +300tons Supplies, +900tons fighter ammo, 6,200tons small craft, +73tons Personnel, +78 tons cargo), Cost $4,320M (base $3,950.5M + $152M ammo +$180M small craft ammo, +$0.3M supplies), SM +2, ASig -4, Hull dHP 15, 1600 life support capacity, sAccel 2.7G (3.7G with all fighters away), Jump-2 (4 parsec range).
Crew: 10 Command Section, 2 Gunnery officers (10% officer, 20% petty), 48 engineers (10% officer, 30% petty, ), 300 Ship Troops (5% officer, 10% petty), 200 Pilots and Co-Pilots (200 petty officers), 100 technicians (10% officer, 30% petty), 10 Flight Control Crew (10% officer, 30% petty, ), 1 Cargo Service (10% officer, 20% petty),
18 Maintenance (10% officer, 20% petty, 18 Medical (20% officer, 30% petty), 9 Life Support (10% officer, 20% petty), 12 General Services (10% officer, 20% petty ). Total 730.
I've reworked the Crew Quarters, so that it is easier to imagine. Now you can just check the cruise ship cabins sq footage so that you have a better idea what the interiors of the ship looks like. I've also realized that there are no considerations for space for personal possessions, and I've taken that into account.
Altered Crew Quarters: (7.5ft vertical clearance)
1-Dton = 40sqft of working area (5 x 8), 20sqft of passages (4 x5), the rest of the volume left is what walls and other stuff occupy. every Dton expands both the passage and the working area proportionally. The working space has about 6 cubic feet of personal belongings available.
Bunk Room 1-2 occupant, 1Dton, 40sqft (8' x 5')
Cabin Room 1-2 occupants, 2Dton, 80sqft
Comfortable Cabin 1-2 occupants, 3Dton, 120sqft
Stateroom 1-2 occupants, 4Dton, 160sqft
Luxury Stateroom 1-2 occupants, 8Dton, 376sqft
Commercial Quarters are +50 to 400% to more space.
Missile Pod
Doctrine. Used as Mines, hidden in the vastness of space or directed to follow a ship to add to its missile volume.
Since ships have a limited surface are for bay weapons and turrets, Missile pods allow the internal volume of a ship to add to the volume of missile fire. This is the standard Armament of Battle Cruisers and Dreadnoughts.
Tech Level: 10
Hull: 2-dton Cylinder Hull* (0.9ksf, 0.9tons, $0.045M), dDR 10 armor (4.5tons, $0.054M ), Stealth (0.225tons, $0.675M) Total 5.6tons, $0.17M
Systems: 1/2 M-Drive (2Tons, $0.5M), 1/2 Fusion Plant (2Tons, $1.5M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), Computer (Micro-Frame Complexity-8, Hardened, x3 Redundancy, Very Large Laser Comm, Very Large Radio Com) (0.5-Dtons, 0.55Tons, $0.12), 3 Hard Points (9 Missiles Racks, 9 Tons, $6.75M). Total 19.15tons, $10.64M
Statistics: EMass 16 tons, LMass 30 tons (16base, +16.2ammo), Cost $15M ($10.80M base, +$3.45M ammo), SM +2, ASig -4, Hull dHP 5, No Life Support, sAccel 2.66G, Top Air Speed 740 mph.
Programs: pilot (high performance space craft), navigation (space), electronic operation (sensor) , electronic operation (communications), artillery (missiles).
Sunday, August 23, 2009
GURPS Traveller: Intersrellar Wars 5-Dton Craft
Light Missile Craft
The cheapest and most bang-for-buck missile and screening craft for non-Imperial Navy types.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M).
Systems: 1-1/2 Maneuver Drive (6tons, $1.5M), Large Cockpit (1Dton, 4tons, $1M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts (2 Pulse Lasers, 7 Missile Racks) (13tons, $6.25M), 2 Fusion Power (8tons, $6M).
Statistics: EMass 55 tons, LMass 68.3 tons (+12.6tons of Ammo, +0.2 tons of personnel, +), Cost M$17.8M ($15.3M base, +$2.5M for ammo), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, no life support capacity, sAccel 4.0 G (4.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity), no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Gunnery Section (1 cew).
Total 1 officer and 1 crewman.
Crude: sAccel 3.0 G (3.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (+28tons) ($10.15M)
Expensive: sAccel 5.5 G (6 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity)(-18.5 tons) ($33.1)
Rugged: sAccel 3.5 G (4 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (dDR+7; HT12) (+11.tons) ($33.1)
Rugged Crude: sAccel 2.5 G (3 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (dDR+11; HT12) (+44.4tons) ($17.8)
Fragile: same as regular quality but with HT8 ($10.15M)
including Ammo
Light Assault Craft
Most cost efficient LAC for non-Imp Navy.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M). total 18.5tons $0.54M
Systems: 1 Maneuver Drive (4tons, $1M, -20MW, 200TThrust), Small Cockpit (0.5Dton, 3tons, $0.5M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts (2 Pulse Lasers, 7 Missile Racks) (13tons, $6.25M), 1-1/2 Fusion Power (6tons, $4.5M), 1 Passenger Seating (1.5tons, $0.01M), 1/2 Cargo. Total 33.5tons, $14.26M
Statistics: EMass 52 tons, LMass 68.4 tons (+12.6tons of Ammo, +1.3 tons of personnel, +2.5 tons cargo), Cost M$18.8M ($14.8M base, +$2.5M for ammo), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, no life support capacity, sAccel 3.0 G (3.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity), no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Gunnery Section (1 cew), Small Craft Seating (12 passengers).
Total 1 officer, 1 crewman, 12 passengers (typically marines in power armor).
The missile racks could be filled with disposable ECM and EW drones for approach and escape.
Nomad Class Craft (updated)
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M). total 18.5tons $0.54M
Systems: 1/2 Maneuver Drive (2tons, $0.5M, -10MW, 100TThrust), Large Cockpit (1Dton, 4tons, $1M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts, 1/2 Fusion Power (2tons, $1.5M, ), Cabin (3 occupancy cramped with hibernation bunks) (100sq feet) (2.5Dtons, 1tons, $0.5M). Total 15tons, $5.5M
Statistics: EMass 23.5 tons, LMass 24 tons (+0.4 tons of personnel), Cost $6M ($6M), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, 4 life support capacity, sAccel 2.2 G, no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Small Craft Seating (4 passengers).
Total 1 officer, 3 passengers.
Hangars vs Vanilla Cargo Bays
the advantages of a Hangar over a Plain Cargo Bay is that it is a cargo bay that sacrficed a small reduced capacity to be able to carry small crafts.
+57dtons, +27.5 tons, +$0.2M
Hangar (5x5dton) (+55 Dtons, 7.5tons) + 1 Launch Tube (+2Dtons, 20tons, +$0.2M)
Cargo usable space (if there are no crafts): 50dtons You can elect to remove the Launche Tubes but they are very useful for defense or attack (getting all the players out in 1 turn).
Passenger Jump Tenders: Instead of just providing the service to passengers some Hanger Modified Tramp Freighters can now carry small traveler's crafts.
Subsidized Merchant (Updated aug 24)
appearance: Looks like a wide based, boxy submarine as its has very subtle angled slopes. The whole forward section is composes the hangar/cargo bay.
Tech Level: 10
Hull: 400-dton Cylinder Streamlined hull* (28.9ksf, 28.9tons, $28M), dDR 10 armor (144.5tons, $1.7M ), Stealth (7.2tons, $2.2M) Total 180.6tons, $31.4M
Systems: 11-1/2 Maneuver Drive (11.5-Dtons, 46tons, $11.5M, -230MW, 2300TThrust ), 12 Jump Drive (12dtons, 48tons, $48M), 80 Fuel Tanks (80Dtons, 2tons, $1.6M), Fuel Processor (3.2 dtons/hour) (1dton, 4tons, $0.2), Standard Bridge (2.5Dtons, 12tons, $1M, 3xMicroframe-C8), Model-3 Sensors (Scan-18) (2dtons, 24tons, $8M, -8MW), 5 Heavy Turrets (+7.5tons, $1M) (30 sand casters, 30tons, $7.5M), Hangar (20x5-Dton capacity; 220 Dtons, 30tons), 1 Launch Tube (2Dtons, 20tons, $0.2M, -0.5MW), 1 Stateroom (160sq feet; comfortable for 2) (4Dtons, 1tons, $0.05M), 20 Cabin (80sq feet; sufficient for 1, cramped for 2) (40Dtons, 10ton, $0.2M), Galley and Kitchen (sufficient occupancy for 10 and 2 kitchen staff) (4dtons, 1.5ton, $0.5), Recreational Area (4 occupancy comfortable) (4dtons, 1ton, $0.2), Workshop (2.5Dtons, 15tons, $0.6M), Sickbay (1dton, 1ton, $0.2M), 12 Fusion Plants (12dtons, 48tons, $36M), 1-1/2 Cargo (+200 hangar bay). Total 301tons , $119.15M
Statistics: EMass 482 tons, LMass 1,323 tons (482base, 18tons cargo, 2.1 tons personnel, 80tons fuel, 720tons of small craft. +21.6ammo), Cost $151M ($150.55M base, $0.018M tons of cargo supplies, +$0.144M), SM +9, ASig +3, Hull dHP 40, Life Support 41 (2000 man days of supplies), sAccel 1.7G (w/o small crafts 4G), Jump-2 (2 parsec range), Top Air Speed 740 mph.
Crew: Command Section (5 officers: commanding officer, executive officer/command pilot, navigator, sensor officer, and communications officer), Engineering Section (1 officer, 1 crewman), Flight/Cargo Section (1 petty officer and 1 crewman), Medical Section (1 petty officer), Maintenance/Passenger Service (1 petty officer). Total 9 officers, 2 crewmen.
Passengers: 10 standard passengers.
200Dtons of hangar space used for:
Regular Load: 1.4G (1000 tons of cargo)
20x 5-Dton Missile Crafts: Accel 1.15G (1360 tons of crafts)
Heavy Load: Accel0.8G (2000 tons of cargo)
Defense Notes: DR185 or DR37 vs X-Ray Lasers
Crude (+301.5tons): Accel 1.4G Cost: $75M
Regular Load: 1.2G (1000 tons of cargo)
20x 5-Dton Missile Crafts: Accel 1G (1360 tons of crafts)
Heavy Load: Accel0.8G (2000 tons of cargo)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Military Sci-fi Encounter
Military Operation Scale. An enemy Task Force are bent in occupying a system. It is a very large force and this is a great opportunity to draw the fleet into a decisive fight. Basically, keep them there long enough until the cavalry can sneak in and close all the exits.
Enemy Task Force should be rather large, but the fast screening elements should be supposedly guarding Jump Entry points to the system. While Allied forces are well behind the system ort cloud and plan to micro jump to the 100Dlimit of all key strategic sections once enemies are all in positions.
Adventurer Scale. An occupying force will be attempting to raid a facility on a small dense satelite (1.1G) dangerously close to its malevolent gass giant (giving many sensor problems). The bounty hunter squadron will need to sneak up and position themselves on all escape vectors, before revealing their hand. The ground forces need to put on a retreating harassment long enough to give the allied small fighters to be in position.
Use the traveler Vehicular Adventure template modifications and the various templates and load outs. The variable role 6Dton fighters will be useful for setting up a cat's paw against a much larger and formidable opponent. Probably a sooped up 400Dton Frontier Merchant or Fast Courier. Or maybe a menacing baddie
Tech Level: 10 Crude Modified Subsidized Merchant
Hull: 400-dton Cylinder Streamlined hull* (28.9ksf, 28.9tons, $28M), dDR 10 armor (144.5tons, $1.7M ), Stealth (7.2tons, $2.2M) Total 180.6tons
Systems: 12 Maneuver Drive (12dtons, 48tons, $12M, ), 12 Jump Drive (12dtons, 48tons, $48M), 80 Fuel Tanks (80Dtons, 2tons, $1.6M), Fuel Processor (3.2 dtons/hour) (1dton, 4tons), Standard Bridge (2.5Dtons, 12tons, $1M, Mainframe-C9), Model-3 Sensors (Scan-18) (2dtons, 24tons, $8M, -8MW), 5 Heavy Turrets (7.5tons, $1M) (10 Pulse Lasers, 20 Missile Racks) (50tons, $20M, -50MW), Hangar (5x20-dton capacity; 205 Dtons, 7.5tons) (5 Assault crafts; 750 tons), 4 Launch Tube (8Dtons, 80tons, $0.8M, -2MW), 15 Fusion Plants (15dtons, 60tons, $45M), 3 Staterooms (12Dtons, 3tons, $0.15M), 7 Bunks (14Dtons, 3.5ton, $0.14M), Galley (4dtons, 2ton, $0.02), Recreational (8dtons, 2ton, $0.15), Administrative(2dtons, 0.5ton, $0.01), Armoury (2dtons, 0.5tons, $0.01), Brig-Bunk (2dtons, 1ton, $0.02), Workshop (2.5Dtons, 15tons, $0.6M), Sickbay (1dton, 1ton, $0.2M), 5 Cargo.
Statistics: EMass 820 tons (545 original, x1.5 for cheap), LMass 1,810 tons (36tons ammo, 25tons cargo, 7.5+10 tons personnel, 835tons small craft, 80tons fuel ), Cost M$303M ($171M, +$465M, all crude!), SM +9, ASig +3, Hull dHP 40, Life Support 86 (+100 from Assault Craft), sAccel 1.3G (w/o attack ships 2.5G) , Jump-2 (2 parsec range), Top Air Speed 740 mph.
Crew: (not Ready made) Command Section (3 officers), Engineering Section (3 officer, 10 crewmen), Cargo/Passenger Service Section (1 officer), Medical Section (1 petty officer), Flight Section (5 technicians, 1 flight technicians, 5 pilots, 5 small craft crew), Fire Section (60). Total ???
* a beveled Long box, with a menacing wedged front
crude pirate assault crafts Accel 4, LWT240tons, $46.5M each.
Considering to Bridge UT, HT and ISW
Couldn't ship costs follow the UT/HT x2 cost options? The escalating cost of +2 HT for x4 is a too big. Considering warship or frontier merchants who are required to operating far from possible proper support services, costs of X4 for a +2 HT seems to me inconsistent. Considering the huge cost jump, couldn't there be better examples of why it is such a valuable advantage that it justifies x4 cost? Because if its not that justifiable and from how I've noticed how my group looks at it then that rule should be reconisidered.
In my examination and tinkering, the Cheap Option in UT/HT is much better. Since Cheap can increase the mass, it will make a ship certainly slower. Example: Cheap Hero Class will have an Accel of 1.2 vs 1.5. Since Cheap also has the fragile option (-2 HT) the option for reliable trade off for price is still available.
Separating the x2 cost categories to Rugged and Expensive is also viable. The Rugged modifier will slow a ship down (+20% mass; Ex. Rugged Hero Class Accel 1.4), probably not doubling the DR (or just giving a +10% DR instead), increasing the HT by 2. Mixing Rugged but Cheap (heavy and not the fragile) option creates a can have x1.8 Mass and makes for a slow but affordable Frontier Operating Ship (Hero Class at Accel 1.2).
The expensive option, which really isn't that ideal for ships that are supposed to work in rugged conditions, would be great with a yacht (Accel 2.0 to 2.5), interplanetary shuttle (accel 1.3 to 1.5).
On Accel, isnt a difference between two accel, ex. Accel 1 and 6, merit a bonus far greater than half the difference? In the duration of a combat round, i just find the bonus disproportionate to my experience in flight simulations and how TDMs are scaled.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Updated TL10 Soldier Outfit and Load Out.
Personals Bag: $75, 4lbs
- Rugged and Discrete Belt optional bag 1.5lbs $20
- Rugged and Expensive Multi-tool (includes butane torch-lighter) 0.5lbs $20.
- Rugged and Expensive multi function knife 0.125lbs $10
- Snack (could be an energy bar, meal tablet, trail ration etc.) 0.25lbs $1
- 2 doses of stimulants, tranquilizers, anti-nausea, anti-allergy, anti-diarrhea, paracetamol, pain killers, and daily maintenance drugs 0.125lbs $10
- Small universal duct tape 0.125 lbs $1
- Universal pen and stylus neg. $1
- Rugged Temp-stable drinking flask (400ml, 6.4oz) 1lb. $10
- Sticky-Page Notebook $2 0.25lbs
- typically carries: Rugged smart phone and wallet.
Armed Civilian Loud-Out TL9 : $4,940
Worn (10lbs): Concealed Ballistic Suit $1,200 8lbs; Clothes 2lbs. Total $1,200
Carried (8.2lbs): Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45, 2.7lbs $400 (Discretely Strapped on Shoulder); ETC Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics, Compact Targeting Scope) (Dmg 5dx2+2(2) pi APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3+2 (2, +1 Laser Sight, ); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75+$1000, 4.5lbs; Basic Personals $5, 1lb.
Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.
Total 19.4lbs (Light) $4,940
DR12/4* (Concealed ballistic suit)
Mil-Grade Combat Expedition Loud-Out TL9 : $48,903
Worn (40.4lbs): Expensive Combat Expedition Package (Trauma Maintenance, Desert Environmental Suit, Programmable Camouflage, Infrared Cloaking; Integrated Reflex Armor with LBE) (DR12/4*) $13,600 16lbs; Load Bearing Exo-Skeleton (Cheap and Rugged) (TL9 version of Stealth Exo; Lifting ST+4) (UT182) (DR24) (Programmable Camouflage and Infrared Cloaking) $9,000 (19lbs); Thermo-Optic Camouflage Cloak $4000 4lbs; Survival and First Aid Kit $527 8lbs; Combat Computer and Software $1300 2lbs; Rugged Water Pack (2L, 20hours of extraneous operation, filed with special sports drink solution) (programmable camouflage and infrared cloaking) $650 5lbs; 2 Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45 $800 5.4lbs; Total $29,877.
---Combat Computer and Software (2lbs): Hi-cap, Rugged and Hardened Small Computer with Rugged Sleeve Display and Portable Terminal (Complexity 4) $800 2lbs; IFF Comm (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500; Operational Software (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500; Target Tracking Software (p UT149): 1000 targets. Complexity 4 $150; Targeting Software (p UT149): +2 guns. Complexity 4. $150. 2lbs $1,300
---Survival Kit (5.5lbs): cheap rugged multi-tool (HT26) $50 0.75lb; Additional suit patches (UT188) $10 1lb; Universal Anti-lost Marking Pen $5 0.125lbs; Mini Tool kit (UT82) (5A/10hr) $400 2lbs; Food tablets (2 day, 2000 calories) $10 0.75lbs; Trail Ration (energy bars 2,000 cal) $5 0.5lbs; Duct tape (150m x 5cm) $2, 0.125lbs. Total $482 5.5lbs
---First Aid Kit (2.5lbs): Rugged Expedition First Aid Container $20 1lb; Foam Moldable Brace $5 0.5lbs; Bandage spray can (UT197) bandage spray can $15 0.5lbs; Antibiotic (+5 to resist bacterial infection) $5 0.125lbs; Pain killers (20 doses; 4hrs) (HT+2 to resist pain; negates pain penalties up to 2) $5 0.125lbs; Stimulant (+2FP per dose; and HT+5 to resist sleep or loss of concentration) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Sleeping Pill (8 hour cycle; grants deep sleeper perk) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Anti-Allergenic patch (20 doses) $10 0.125lbs Total $70 2.5lbs
Carried (30.5lbs): Gun Sleeve (Programmable Camouflaged and Infrared Cloaking) (counts as both arm Sleeve) $335 1lb; ETC Storm Carbine 10mmCL (Compact Targeting Scope, Smart Gun, Bipod, and Foldable Stock) (Dmg 6dx3(2)pi-; Acc5+3 (4, +1 laser sight) + (+2 CTS, +1 Targeting Software); Range 2000/6,300; ROF10(+1 to hit); Shots50+1; Wt 9.2; Bulk-6; Rcl 3; LC2) $3,700+$1,000 10.2lbs; 25mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (Dmg6dx3+18(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]; Acc5+2 (4, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 360/2,200; ROF1; Shots3; Wt. 1.5; Rcl 2; LC3) +$300 1.5lbs; ETC Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics,) (Dmg 5dx2+2(2) pi APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75, 4lbs. Total $8,545
---Ammo Load (14lbs): 2 Pairs of Mags (APFSDSDU; 50 shots each mag) (total rounds 200) $940 (4.7lbs each); x4 Hand Grenades $320 4lbs; 25mm Shaped Charged Grenades Magazine $135 0.6lbs. Total $1395
Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 10-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.
Total $31,792, 71.7 / 78.4lbs (Light Load for ST10+4); Move 4
DR: General Area 12/4* (Ballistic); Head 18/12
Armed Civilian Loud-Out : $4,535
Worn (10lbs): Concealed Ballistic Suit $1,200 8lbs; Clothes 2lbs. Total $1,200
Carried (8.2lbs): Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45, 2.7lbs $400 (Discretely Strapped on Shoulder); ETK Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics and Compact Targeting Scope) (Dmg 7dx2+2(2) pi- APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+$75+$1000, 4.5lbs. Basic Personals $5,1lb.
Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.
Total 19.4lbs (Light) $4535
DR18/6* (Concealed ballistic suit)
Mil-Grade Combat Expedition Loud-Out TL10 : $57,122
Worn (40.4lbs): Expensive Combat Expedition Package (Trauma Maintenance, Expedition Capability, Programmable Camouflage, Infrared Cloaking Sealed Tactical Suit) (DR30/15*) $26,000 18lbs; Stealth Exo-Skeleton (Cheap and Rugged) (UT182) (DR24) (Programmable Camouflage and Infrared Cloaking) $13,000 (19lbs); Multi-Spec Camouflage Cloak $6000 4lbs; Survival and First Aid Kit $527 8lbs; Combat Computer and Software $1600 2lbs; Rugged Water Pack (2L, 40hours of extraneous operation, filed with special sports drink solution) (programmable camouflage and infrared cloaking) $650 5lbs; 2 Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45 $800 5.4lbs; Total $48,577.
---Combat Computer and Software (2lbs): Rugged and Hardened Small Computer with Rugged Sleeve Display and Portable Terminal (Complexity 6) $600 2lbs; Silhouette (p UT149): Complexity 5, 2 PB. $200. IFF Comm (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500. Target Tracking Software (p UT149): 1000 targets. Complexity 4, 1 PB. $150. Targetting Software (p UT149): +2 guns. Complexity 4. $150. 2lbs $1,600
---Survival Kit (5.5lbs): cheap rugged multi-tool (HT26) $50 0.75lb; Additional suit patches (UT188) $10 1lb; Universal Anti-lost Marking Pen $5 0.125lbs; Mini Tool kit (UT82) (5A/10hr) $400 2lbs; Food tablets (2 day, 2000 calories) $10 0.75lbs; Trail Ration (energy bars 2,000 cal) $5 0.5lbs; Duct tape (150m x 5cm) $2, 0.125lbs. Total $482 5.5lbs
---First Aid Kit (2.5lbs): Rugged Expedition First Aid Container $20 1lb; Foam Moldable Brace $5 0.5lbs; Bandage spray can (UT197) bandage spray can $15 0.5lbs; Antibiotic (+5 to resist bacterial infection) $5 0.125lbs; Pain killers (20 doses; 4hrs) (HT+2 to resist pain; negates pain penalties up to 2) $5 0.125lbs; Stimulant (+2FP per dose; and HT+5 to resist sleep or loss of concentration) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Sleeping Pill (8 hour cycle; grants deep sleeper perk) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Anti-Allergenic patch (20 doses) $10 0.125lbs Total $70 2.5lbs
Carried (31lbs): Gun Sleeve (Programmable Camouflaged and Infrared Cloaking) (counts as both arm Sleeve) $335 1lb; (ETK Storm Carbine 10mmCL (Compact Targeting Scope, Smart Gun, Bipod, and Foldable Stock) (Dmg 4dx6(2)pi- or 8d(5) imp inc + linked 1d-2 ex cr [1d-2]; Acc6+4 (4, +1 ETK, +1 laser sight) + (+2 CTS, +2 Targeting Software); Range 1400/4,300; ROF10(+1 to hit); Shots50+1; Wt 9.2; Bulk-6; Rcl 3; LC2) $3,700+$1,000 10.2lbs; 25mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (Dmg6dx3+18(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]; Acc5+2 (4, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 360/2,200; ROF1; Shots3; Wt. 1.5; Rcl 2; LC3) +$300 1.5lbs; ETK Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics,) (Dmg 7dx2+2(2) pi- APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75, 4lbs. Total $8,545
---Ammo Load (14lbs): 2 Pairs of Mags (HEMP and APFSDSDU; 50 shots each mag) (total rounds 200) $728 (4.7lbs each); x4 Hand Grenades $320 4lbs; 25mm Shaped Charged Grenades Magazine $135 0.6lbs. Total $1185
Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.
Total $57,122; 71.7 / 78.4lbs (Light Load for ST10+4); Move 4
DR: General Area 30/15* (Tacsuit); Head 27/18
Ultra Tech Ground Forces Doctrine

ETK arms
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars - Vehicle Based Campaign
In terms of space combat, I noticed unlike ground side engagements its harder to Role-play individual initiative in Space combat unless the Players are working as a group of ships OR if the rules were more elaborate (so that roles like Tactical, EW, Piloting, and Engineering can be role-payed tactically independent of the captains commands.).
A vehicle based Traveller Game will be pretty complex (since it will extensively be using the Space combat system) and is going to be very much like a Mechwarrior with most of the focus on the Vehicles. The GM will need to add a bit more literature to the ship combat rules for the Players and make up quick and dirty rules for the other stuff that has yet to be made.
Here is a simple set up of roles for the ship combat. Honorverse and Lost Fleet is a great source for Ship Combat scenarios if you can translate them into GT space combat terms. If anyone would care to contribute more sources, please do.
Blockers or Fighter = Point Defense Screening Element
Flankers or Striker = Missile Platforms
Controller = Primary Scanner, ECM, and EW Platform
Leader = Jump Capable Tender
I can see this can be quite exciting as an Bounty Hunter force hired by Frontier System Governors and Communities. Basically a party operating a Q-ships that carries a nice little surprise for Pirates and small ship forces like those of a military junta, guerrillas, and privateers. PCs could be owning up contracts measured in the Millions and Salvage Rights.
Akkigish Class or ISW QIAN class in JTAS can have twice the armament, Power Plant, and M-Drive load out of the Hero Class with more room left over.
The lightning class is also good but may be too well armed to lure prey. Certainly pursuit will be more interesting with the Lightning's legs.
The Phidippides or Harmonious Class could also be used modified to be highly armed bounty hunter ships.
My assessment would be that the Akkigish/QIAN would be the best for a varied play style. You switch between a ground side and topside when one or the other gets boring.
Ground Side objectives are pretty easy since it could be a simple as gathering intelligence or sabotage (and getting away with it) while under the cover of a Hapless Merchant.
Add Hangar Bay (5x 6-Dton variable-role ultra-light crafts slots)
+66 Dtons, +7.5 tons, +$0M
Add Launch Tube (can fit 10dton craft)
+4 Dton, +40 tons, +$0.4M, +1MW
If Hero Class
Add 2 Heavy Turrets
+3 tons, +$0.4M
Add 8 Missile Racks and 4 Pulse Lasers (disguised as Sand Casters, UT15 disguised)
+20 tons, +$20M
Add 3 Rear Facing Missile Racks on Fixed Mount
+3 tons, +$2.25M
Add (2) EW Drone Missiles Loads
+3.6 tons, +$7.2M
Add (2) EW Penetration Aid Missiles Load
+3.6 tons, +$7.2M
Add (7) Shape Charged Missiles Loads
+12.6 tons, +$2.52M
Add 2 M-Drives
+2 Dton, +8 tons, +$2M
Add 3 Fusion Plants
+3 Dtons, +12 tons, +$9M
Replace Model-1 Scan with Model-3 (Scan-18)
+1 Dton, +12tons, +$4M
Cost $123M
EWT 313.5 tons
LWT 715 tons
Accel 2G
6-DTON Ultra Light Variable Craft.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 6-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3.5ksf, 3.5tons, $0.175), dDR 13 armor (22.75tons, +$0.18), Stealth (+0.875tons, +$0.26).
Systems: 2.5 Maneuver Drive (2.5Dtons, 10tons, $2.5, -50MW, 500tons of thrust), Small Cockpit (0.5 Dtons, 3tons, $0.5), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5dtons, 6tons, $2, -4MW), 2.5 Fusion Plant (2.5Dtons, 12tons, $6, 50MW), 3 fixed mounts 6 forward facing Missile Racks (16.8tons, $6.66 ), 2 TL-9 Pulse Laser (6 tons, $1, -5MW), Rear facing Sandcaster /ECM (1ton, $0.75).
Statistics: EMass 70 tons, Lmass 80 tons, Cost $22M, SM +2, ASig -4, Hull dHP 15, no life support capacity, sAccel 6G/5G with Beam weapons, no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,500 mph.
Quick and Dirty Rule for EW (until a better idea comes along)
EW Drones based on UT Expendable Jammers, since it closely resembles the GT:GF p112 rules. So instead of affecting Comm as in UT157, Drones Affect Target Acquisition. The Missile or the Gunnery Section officer re-rolls his artillery vs -2 per drone deployed (reduced ability because of the extreeme ranges of performance). Failure mean the missiles lock on to one of the Drones.
Penetration Aids do roughly the same but against Point defense. They give a -2 per Pen-aid to the Gunner's Point Defense roll to Hit. Since Recoil determines how many additional missiles were hit count the Pen aids first.
How Pirates can use 20Dton Assault Craft for raids. (The equivalent of modern day pirates attacking ships with fast inflatable speed boats).
Modify 20dton Assault Craft
Add Stealth Hull
+1.54 Tons, $0.46M
Remove 2 Seating and Replace with 2 Bunks
-2 Dtons, -2 tons, -$0M
Replace Light Turret with Heavy Turret
-0 Dtons, +0.5 tons, +0.1M
Add 6 forward facing missile Racks on 2 remaining Fixed mounts.
+0 Dtons, +4.5 tons, +$4.5M
Add 2 M-Drives
+2 Dton, +8 tons, +$2M
Add 2.5 Fusion Plants
+2.5 Dtons, +10 tons, +$7.5M
Replace original turret weapon load-out with 4 Pulse Lasers and 2 Missile Racks
+9 tons, +$3.5M
Add (2) EW Penetration Aid Missiles Load
+3.6 tons, +$7.2M
Add (1) EW Drone Missile Loads
+1.8 tons, +$3.6M
Add (1) EMP Drone Missile Loads
+1.8 tons, +$36M
Add (2) Shaped Charged Missile Load
+3.6 tons, +$0.72M
total $93M
EWt. 145
LWt. 167
Accel 6G
Life Support 21 (basic crew of 2 + prize crew and boarders)
Remaining 1Dton of Cargo are supplies and equipment.
Typically Armored Vacc Suit with Rugged but Cheap Stealth Exo-Skeletons
Boarding Tools
Basic Logistics.
- supported by corrupt system governments, corporations, and go-betweens of much more powerful factions.
- These patrons bail them out, give them targets, fence their goods, and maintain their ships.
Simple Tactics:
- Threats. A couple of well placed communication drones to give ample warning for victims to surrender without Giving position away.
- Trap A few EW drones to shape the sensor readouts in a way to make the ship plot a predictable Vector. Then sneak in as close as possible, if cover is broken use EMP missiles (1.8 ton load of 12 costs $3.6M) UT157 (roll against ships HT).
Example Procedure. Watch for the limited Jump Entry points in a system with Stealth Scan Drones. Plot navigation vectors for typical merchant parameters for safety and leave bait, misdirection, or a false sense of security or alarm.
The easiest procedure is for a ground-side to get advanced warning and sending it up to the pirates.
- Hunting Party Several 20Dton assault craft using tactics above. __________________
Thursday, August 6, 2009
GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars - Review
In the forums and by the availability of online resources (like JTAS) it seems that there is almost no support (except for 7 adventure articles and un-updated errata) and none in the works as this review is being written.
Key Problems.
- 3e Assumptions but No 4e Conversions. This book, dispite being seperate and even a different system makes many 3e assumptions. The primary assumption is that you will fill out the rest of the details yourself with your old 3e materials by the scope of the book.
I've overlooked the complaints of the lack of support for the book, but its been 2 years and it the "underwhelming" lack of support in the forums, and follow up products may be a key symptom of a much more serious matter.
- Naval Doctrine. In order to create a consitent ship design system, one should have a consistent Naval Doctrine. A war doctrine is basically established battle practices, the way in any computer game people would favor certain strategies because the game's design tends to favor that approach. Not only does the ship lack many of the elements of ship design established in 3e, it does nothing to match it and basically leaves it an incomplete and unfinished.
- Ultra Tech and Traveller inconsistency. GTISW came before UT, UT came before HT, and LT will soon be following. It seems that both the editing and the level of detail and research are escalating in every recent version and GTISW is left in the dust with many inconsitencies with UT (like computer and software creation for instance; Power generation and storage tech for examples).
- Ship Creation and Ship Combat. A quite disaster, that people only notice when actually going out of your way to run a War Scenario. GURPS Mass Combat Came up with space ships, why not include GTISW examples.
- Forgotten. It seems for every new Traveller Applicable book that has come out, mention of the other books like Banestorm, IW, and other GURPS settings are remembered but ISW is frequently not being included.
My own Solution. I'll contribute also my own GTISW correction, update and doctrine. Lately my GM is running Thousand Suns, which is a Traveller Compatible setting. Given my own perparations for the game, I've stumbled on the many problems incorporating and running a traveller game with just the book as is.
I've also observe the shrinking number of players who are interested in this classic "Old-school" setting, which Firefly gave a brief rejuvination. I want to give new players a chance to try this game format out.
I've accumilated a detailed gear out package and gathered some interesting Doctrines given the UT, that would flesh out and simplify many games.
At least, Since there isn't going to be much support on the matter I will be one of the few niche people who are open in broadening horizons on the topic.
Game Idea.
With solid TL7-8 tech, planning to run a Jurrassic park game. basically a traveller planet with annalogs of the present world except there are conflict zones. Areas that have special industrial and political protection because of political stalemate.
This area has dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures, despite being earth-like. PCs, of ex-military bg, are tasked to rescue civilians lost there and get out alive. Because of special political hostilities (of both parties), weaponized satelites prevent the use of heavy aircraft. Light lowflying vehicles can escape detection with risks, and can only be used for fast loading and extractions.
So basically, Go into the jungle. Fight Off Dinosaurs, Aliens, and other creepy stuff. Survive long enough to rescue the objectives, and get out alive.
With the GM's monkey wrench. To make things interesting if the Players want more of a challenge.